Announcements, Tuesday 12.3.19

December 3, 2019

Today is Tuesday, December 3rd and it is an A Day.

You are invited to A Madrigal Dinner on December 5th or 6th. Tickets are on sale now in Dr. Harris’ Office or the Business office. This is a wonderful way to start the holiday season. We hope to see you there.

Do you create Tik Toks of dances? Would you like them to be shared with the school?  This year our yearbook will have QR codes to scan for video and audio clips. If you’d like to share your appropriate dance Tik Toks, go to the Yearbook page, under class pages on the website, and upload your video.

High School National Honor Society Members – please go to Dr. Weller’s room TODAY during high school lunch to pick up the information about our Toys for Tots drive.  This service project is mandatory for all NHS members.

The P7 Bible Club meets TODAY during lunch in Mrs. Janicke’s room.  All are welcome!

Have you ever wondered if you could help the homeless members of our community stay warm on cold winter nights? National Junior Honor Society members are collecting blankets during the first two weeks of December to donate to the Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry. Please bring a blanket to donate in one of our boxes around campus.

Science Olympiad will meet today, Tuesday December 3 and Thursday, December 5 in Q502 after school.

Thespians, Please meet Thursday in the theater room during high school lunch for our group meeting.We will discuss our upcoming District competitions December 13th and 14th! Go Thespians!

Calling all interested Middle School Readers!
This Friday Mrs. Belvin will have a short meeting for students that might be interested in joining the Battle of the Books team. Team members will be required to read books, form questions about the book, practice answering questions, and compete with other schools in Alachua County for the Battle of the Books Trophy! The battle will be held on a Saturday in May and we will go out for Pizza after we win to celebrate our work.

Meeting for interested 6-8th grade students will be this Friday, before school in Mrs. Belvin’s classroom in the 4/5 community. Or Please email Mrs. Belvin if you are interested in joining our team!

All students interested in participating and performing at the COCO for kids activity sponsor by UNICEF please see Cierra Boutin and Mrs. Santiago this Friday during lunch in room Z-1427. We are looking for musicians, singers, poets and dancers.

United Club will not be meeting this week.

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