Announcements, Tuesday 12.17.2019
December 17, 2019Today is Tuesday, December 17th and it is a 1-6 Day. Remember, that tomorrow through Friday, dismissal will be at 11:50. Grab and go lunches will be available for middle and high school students to take with them at the end of the day. High School study hall will be available until 4 on Wednesday and Thursday. Campus closes at 3:30 PM on Friday. All students should be off campus by 3:30 PM on Friday.
Key Club will meet today in Ms. Andrews’ room during high school lunch. All members, please plan to attend, and please be prompt!
United Club will meet in Mrs. Still’s room after school today. All are welcome to join!
Seniors: The next senior seminar will be this Wednesday after school. We will meet in the PAC. It’s a self-care day, so come by for art activities, yoga, boot camp training, and guided meditation.
P7 Club meets in Mrs. Janicke’s room during high school lunch today.
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