Announcements, Tuesday, 11/6
November 6, 2018Today is Tuesday, November 6th and it is an A Day.
Performing Arts Students: Please pick up your Yankee Candle Orders in Dr. Harris’ and Ms Snyder’s rooms. Your orders are boxed and ready to go!
Picture Retakes are TODAY. Students and staff who have not been photographed should report to the PAC between 7:45 am – 10:00 am. Students will return to class with a time-stamped pass.
Key Club is collecting “trial size” toiletries, personal hygiene items, socks, and gently used coats, sweaters and jackets for Grace Marketplace. Please drop off all items to either Ms. Andrews or Mr. Lemstrom this week. We appreciate your help.
All members of UNICEF High School, please remember that today November, 6th is our school cleanup day right after school.
A huge congratulations is in order for 8th grader Nick Broadbent for making the very prestigious All-State Band. Nick auditioned and was selected as one of the best middle school clarinet players in the state! PK has not had someone selected for this band in over 8 years. Congrats Nick- We’re SOOOOO proud of your accomplishment!
High Schoolers in Theatre Class and Vocal Performance Classes and Choirs: Audition sides for the Disney Musical Review are available in Ms Snyder’s and Dr. Harris’ room. Sign ups for audition slots are on the High School Choral Room door.
Attention BSU members – we will have a meeting today after school in the Mr. Miller’s room.
High school American Sign Language club meets today during lunch in Mr. Moody’s room.
High school Art club meets today after school in Mr. Moody’s room until 4pm.
The November Newsletter is available! Please visit the P.K. Yonge School Counseling Page or the School Counseling Twitter to take a look.
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