Announcements, Tuesday 11.5.19
November 5, 2019Today is Tuesday, November 5th, and it is an A Day.
China Travelers: Your class assignments sheet must be completed and signed by all of your teachers by Thursday, November 7. Please bring the completed sheet to your last meeting before travel on Thursday at lunchtime in Mr. Kovach’s room. If you don’t have a class assignment sheet, or don’t know what this is, please check in with Ms. Henderson, Dr. Cordero, or Mr. Kovach.
Winterguard auditions will be held on Nov. 6th and 8th from 3:15-5:45 in the band room.
JV and Varsity Baseball should be dismissed at 1:30 PM today. Teachers, a roster will be emailed to you. Middle School baseball, your study hall has been relocated to Mr. Kovach’s classroom for this afternoon.
There is a P7 Bible Club Meeting in Miss Janike’s room, L-352, TODAY during High School Lunch.
Middle School National Junior Honor Society Members
Please meet in the cafeteria this Thursday with Mrs. Beckett to share ideas for our next service project.
On Saturday, November 16th from 9 AM to 12 noon, the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its 5th Annual Career Discoveries Day at Buchholz High School. This provides an opportunity for middle and high school students to learn more about exciting career opportunities in Alachua County and the pathways to attain them. To register, visit the PKY website announcements page for the link:
Attention seniors! Your outline and bibliography are due on Sunday night. Come to the senior seminar on Wednesday in Mr. Cabrera’s room to meet with senior project advisors, ask questions, and work on the assignment.
Marine Science Club will meet in Ms. Andrews’ room during lunch today. All members, please plan to attend, and please be prompt!
Basketball Cheerleading try-outs will be today, Tuesday, November 5th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. We will meet in Ms. Andrew’s classroom in the elementary building 2/3 community.
Science Olympiad will not meet today, Tuesday, November 5. We will meet again on Thursday, November 7 after school in Q-502.
United Club will meet after school today in Mrs. Still’s room, I-112, for games, snacks, and a Bible study. All are welcome!
Brain Bee Participants, remember to gather in Dr. Breil’s room on Thursday at 7:40 for a celebratory bagel breakfast. Use the back door.
Thespians! Please meet in the theatre room THURSDAY at high school lunch for our monthly group meeting. We will be doing important paperwork that relates to District Thespian Competition. Go Thespians!
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