Announcements, Tuesday 02.02.2020
March 3, 2020Today is Tuesday, March 3rd, and it is a B Day.
Seniors – the next senior seminar will be after school on Wednesday in the PAC. We will have the clickers for you to practice with and pizza for your hard work. Sign up through Remind so we can get a head count.
Attention Middle School Singers: If you would like to sing the National Anthem at one of the Middle School home baseball games, please see Dr. Geiger during Middle School lunch to audition.
Attention seniors – if you painted a parking spot, come to the yearbook room at lunch on Wednesday for a group photograph.
United Club will NOT meet today after school, but will resume meetings next week.
Creative photography club will meet Thursday, March 5 after school in Ms Johnson’s room to edit photographs.
The P7 Club will meet TODAY during High School Lunch in Mrs. Janicke’s room.
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