Announcements, Tuesday 01.14.2020
January 14, 2020Today is Tuesday, January 14th and it is a B Day.
Congratulations to both the middle boys and middle school girls basketball teams who defeated Williston Middle School last night. Good luck against Ruth Rains on Thursday. Way to go, Blue Wave!
Reminder about the open-interest softball event on the softball field from 2-4 PM TOMORROW open to any middle or high school girls. There will be food, music, fun activities, and a chance to find out more about whether softball is the team sport for you.
All UNICEF students, TOMORROW, January 15th is our school cleaning day. Please see Mrs. Santiago after school on Wednesday.
All students helping with the UNICEF Bake sale please remember that the bake sale has been moved to January 23rd and 24th
Science Olympiad:. All permission forms for Saturday’s competition need to be turned in as soon as possible.
For those folks who have recently started driving, you must have a parking decal to park on the PKY campus. Please purchase your decal in the business office by Thursday, January 16th. For those students parking in the south lot, please only park in designated parking spaces. Senior painted spaces are up for grabs after 8:00 AM. If all the spaces are taken, you must park in the gravel lot near the business office. PLEASE do NOT park along the fence lines, as this blocks access to the exit at dismissal and causes gridlock. Please do not park on curbs or the grass.
Attention Tournament Arc – we will not be meeting today. Come next Tuesday for our next meeting and information about our upcoming event.
Pong club members – Our t-shirt sales will close on February 29th. See Lorenzo for the link to order. Get yours today!
United Club will meet in Mrs. Still’s room after school today for snacks, games, and a Bible study. Hope to see you there!
There will be a Key Club meeting today during lunch in Ms. Andrews’ room. Among other things, we will be discussing and handing out maps to Saturday’s Great Invader Raider Rally. All members, please plan to attend, and please be prompt!
The P7 Club will meet TODAY during lunch in Mrs. Janicke’s room.
Are you interested in joining the P.K. Yonge Jazz band? If so, there is an interest meeting today in the band room at 2:30pm. We are looking for drummers, guitar players, bass guitar, and piano players! Our first rehearsal will be Thursday 1/23 at 2:30pm. If you have any questions please see Mr. Marski in the Band Room after school or in the ISD Room (K331) during the day.
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