Announcements – Tues., Nov. 15
November 15, 2022Good morning! Today is Tuesday, November 15th
Juniors – Clay Electric Youth Tour Contest
Attention All Juniors: 2023 Youth Tour to Washington DC Contest sponsored by Clay Electric is here! This program provides one 11th grade student from each of the 30 high schools the opportunity to represent their school in a contest consisting of a written quiz and speech contest. Student representatives will have an all expense paid 3 day trip to Tallahassee where the final phase of the competition will take place. The winner of the competition will receive an all expense paid trip to Washington DC. See Mrs. McElroy for more information.
Juniors – Girls State
Girls State is a non-partisan program which aims to teach young women Americanism, democracy, responsible citizenship, and love of country. This is a free government program for current juniors held at FSU for 8 days in June for selected delegates sponsored by Unit 16 Gainesville. If interested, please see Mrs. McElroy for more information.
NJHS Fall Gift Basket
NJHS is holding a Fall Gift Basket Chance Drawing! Come check out the baskets at MS lunch… This is a great opportunity to do some holiday shopping for your family, or win it for yourself! Tickets are $1 each and the winners will receive their basket on Friday during 4th period.
Key Club
Key Club will meet today during lunch on the benches around the big oak tree. All members, please plan to attend.
Thespians! We have a special group meeting on TUESDAY during lunch in the theater room. This important meeting involves the new info about district competition. Please join us TUESDAY at lunch.
Seniors – Check Canvas
Seniors – please, please, please check the announcements section in the senior canvas course and the online senior newsletter for recent updates on scholarships, mentorships, yearbook and senior ad purchases, and more! See Mrs. Koppitch with any questions.
November – Native American Heritage Month
Did you know Most indigenous tribes in the Southwest can trace their ancestry back to the Mogollon (moh-guh-YOHN), the Anasazi, and the Hohokam (huh-HOH-kum), who first settled in what is now New Mexico thousands of years ago. However, the Apache and the Navajo (NA-vuh-hoh) are the exceptions since they migrated to the Southwestern region from the Arctic over 500 years ago. Due to the Mexican War, the gold rush, and the Civil War, the Southwestern Native Americans lost most of their land. Today, over 20% of Native American population lives in the Southwest, both on and off reservations.
Apple Sales
Holiday Bakers! 4th and 5th Grade students are selling fresh Rome apples to fundraise for their DC Trip. Buy a 10 lb bag for $15 – cash only. See Mrs. V in the front office for an order form. Orders due Tuesday, November 15.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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