Announcements – Tues., May 2
May 2, 2023Good morning! Today is Tuesday, May 2nd which marks S day in our Z to A countdown to the end of the year. S day is to Dress like a Story Book Character, Superhero, wear stripes or silly socks! Tomorrow is R day. Wear red or a rainbow
Support Thespians at Texas Roadhouse
Come out to support our PK Yonge Thespians on Thursday, May 4th at Texas Roadhouse for a Dine to Donate night! Dine anytime between the hours of 4-10pm, mention that you are there for the PK Yonge Theatre and Musical Theatre fundraiser and a percentage of your meal will go towards our Thespians!
Prom time is approaching! Tickets are on sale from Monday, April 24th through Friday, May 5th. You MUST have a completed PKY Student Form for PK students and a Guest form for all non-PK students completed and have all appropriate signatures at the time of ticket purchase! You will be turned away if you do not have the appropriate forms completed. Forms are available from Mrs. V in the Main Office. No tickets will be sold after May 5th, so go get those forms filled out and take them to the Business office before and after school or at lunch to get your tickets!! See Prom posters for available times to make your purchase.
Seniors – remember the forms you need to fill out by this Friday for graduation. Check your announcements section in the senior canvas course for the links.
Library Books
This Friday, May 5th, is the last day for checkouts, or to give Mrs. Koppitch a book review for community service hours for this school year. All library books are due back next Friday, May 12th. Any books not returned by that time will be added to the debt list. See Mrs. Koppitch if you have any questions.
Best Buddies
Best Buddies will meet in Mrs. Czyz’s room on Tuesday, May 2nd, during lunch to finalize our end-of-the-school-year event at Balance 180, which will take place on May 7th. Let’s finish strong!
Congrats Softball
Congratulations to the Blue Wave Softball team for their 16-1 first round district win over Eastside last night. The Softball team will be back in action tonight at 4pm vs Santa Fe.
Varsity Cheer Tryouts
Varsity Football Cheer Try-Outs will be held on Wednesday, May 10th and Thursday May, 11th from 4:45-6:30pm in the gymnasium. Please pick-up a try-out packet from the front office or online on the varsity cheer page.
Vote Student Government
8th-11th graders – this Wednesday during advisory you will be voting for your student government officers. Please watch their campaign videos before then. You may access them on your dashboard in canvas. Make an informed choice and vote!
MS Art Club
Middle School Art Club is canceled for this afternoon; we’ll see you next Tuesday!
Congrats Sophie!
Congratulations to Sophie Slimak for winning the eighth-grade level of the Alachua County Peace Poetry Competition! Sophie will receive her award this Saturday at the celebration of Peace Poetry in Alachua County in 2023.
Congratulations, Sophie!
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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