Announcements – Tues., Jan. 17
January 17, 2023Good morning! Today is Monday, January 17th
Book Club
Book Club will meet on Monday January 23rd in Mrs. Czyz’s room. Make sure to read up to page 71 and come with some discussion questions.
Secondary Building Doors
Students, please remember that once the doors are locked in the secondary building, you must go to the front desk or ask a passing teacher for assistance. Please do not bang on the doors. It is a disruption to class. Thank you.
Senior Announcements
Seniors – Your last semester is here! Don’t miss out on any senior events. Check in on the senior newsletter for deadlines, or see Mrs. Koppitch for questions.
BluePrint Club
BluePrint Club members, please meet in front of the gym during lunch tomorrow for our yearbook photo. Don’t forget to wear your club t-shirt!
Hispanic Honor Society
The Hispanic Honor Society meeting will meet this Wednesday January 18th in Mrs. Monzon’s classroom during lunch.
UNICEF will be meeting on Thursday January 19th in Mrs. Monzon’s classroom. Old and new members please meet during lunch.
Senior Field and Lifer Pictures
Seniors, this Friday at 12:45 your senior field photo will be taken on the upper field past the football field and then the Lifers photo will be taken on the elementary playground. We have a list of Lifers, so please only come to the elementary playground if you have attended PK from Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Teachers of seniors, thank you for your patience with this disruption to your instruction. Thank you
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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