Announcements, Tue., 12.08.2020
December 8, 2020Good morning! Today is Tuesday, December 8th.
The PK Yonge Key Club is collecting canned and nonperishable foods in a Winter Food Drive. Drop-off Boxes will be located at the top and bottom circles. Please help us collect food for Gainesville’s hungry families! The drive will end on Thursday, December 17. Put a reminder on your phone!
This is important information about masks:
First of all, thank you to everyone for doing such a great job of remembering to bring and wear masks daily. These are important tools in helping us keep one another safe. Please remember that if you are choosing to wear a gaiter mask, the knit tube-like mask that goes around your neck, a regular mask must be worn underneath. A gaiter alone is not effective in reducing the spread of the virus. Masks with little vents are also not effective in reducing the spread, so please do not use this type of mask on campus. Masks should be worn any time you are indoors, as well as when you are outside but within 6 feet of others. So, please wear your mask when you are changing classes. If you need a mask break, please move to an area where you can be physically distanced from others. Masks can be removed when you are eating your lunch, but please put masks back on when you finish eating. Finally, masks should be worn after school on the sidewalks. Remember that the younger students are watching you for an example of how to properly keep yourselves and others safe. Thank you for helping us all stay healthy!
MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Please remember to remind your families that pick-up and drop-off for secondary students is at the sound end of campus in front of the gym. If you have a sibling in elementary school, drop-off and pick-up is in the front circle on the north end of campus.
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT DRIVERS: A reminder that students are not permitted to be in the gym parking lot or in their vehicles during the school day.
High school art club will meet in Mr. Moody’s Zoom room today and every Tuesday at 2:30. Come join us for some social time with others interested in art, sharing our artwork, and a fun challenge from Mr. Moody to be shared the following Tuesday. Hope to see you there!
Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day, Blue Wave.
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