Announcements, Tue., 09.15.2020
September 15, 2020Good morning! Today is Tuesday, September 15th.
The All-Girl High School Robotics Team, The Mechanical Mermaids, is now Accepting Applications for the 2020-2021 FIRST Technical Challenge competition season. If you’d like to apply and interview for a potential position on the team in design, graphics, engineering, computer-aided design, marketing, business, technical robot building and programming, or other leadership opportunities, please contact the Coach – Leigh Anne Brewster at or by calling 352-392-1554 extension 245 and leaving a voice message. Please note that due to team size regulations, the number of open positions on the team is limited. Applications will be accepted through September 18th.
High School Seniors! Please check the High School counseling page for Monday’s announcement.
Senior credit checks are happening now, and you are required to meet with your counselor to make sure you are on track to graduate and to discuss post-secondary plans. Again, see the High School Counseling page announcements to get more information and sign up for a meeting. Contact Mr. Chambliss or Mrs. Theiss if you have questions.
Congratulations to Aiden Ford who was elected Treasurer for 9th Grade. Congratulations to Laci Herron, elected as 11th grade Class President, and to Olivia Foley and David Hayes, elected as 11th grade Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.
For 12th grade, the election results are as follows:
President – Ethen Ungaro
Vice President – Valentina Diaz
Secretary – Victor Sanchez-Rivas
Treasurer – Phillip Miller
Important Reminder: In order for your Chromebooks to function properly, they need to be shut down completely on a nightly basis. Please remember to shut down and charge your Chromebook each evening before using it the following day.
Need community service? Then Key Club is the club for you! Join us in our first Key Club meeting of the year tomorrow at 12:15 (B lunch for those on campus) in Ms. Andrews’ zoom classroom. Contact Ms. Andrews for the link. Hope to see you there!
Student drivers: Parking spaces that have been painted belong to Seniors. Do not park in those spaces. If a decorated space is empty after 8 AM, it is up for grabs, but otherwise it is designated to the Senior who reserved it. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Koppitch or Dr. Geiger.
Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day and weekend, Blue Wave!
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