Announcements, Tue., 02.09.2021
February 9, 2021Good morning! Today is Tuesday, February 9th
Key Club will be meeting today at 12:35 (high school lunch for those on campus) in Ms. Andrews’ Zoom room. All members, please plan to attend!
There will be a BSU meeting in Mr. Courtney’s Room, 2ndfloor, green wing, studio 232 on Wednesday, immediately after school, at 1:40 p.m. His zoom room will also be open. If you plan on being involved in the Black History Program, you need to be in attendance.
Attention seniors – Santa Fe has over $1.8 million to give away to deserving eligible students. Santa Fe wants high school seniors to complete the application by the priority date of February 15th. Please see the link for the application in the announcements section of the Senior canvas course, or in the senior newsletter on the PK website.
Attention 9th-12th graders – do you have a question or concern you’d like student government to address? We have a survey for that! Your English or history teacher should be providing you a link to a survey to include everything you’ve ever wanted to ask your class officers. Please fill it out before Friday, Feb. 12th and we will get back to you with answers as soon as we can. For more information, talk to Mrs. Koppitch or click on the link in the announcements page on the PK website.
Interested in having your design on a t-shirt the whole school will wear? Student government is sponsoring a design contest to come up with the artwork for this year’s PK t-shirt. Please keep your design to black and white and submit it by Friday, Feb. 19th. Besides bragging rights, there will be a prize for the winner. You may email your design through canvas or email to Mrs. Koppitch. See any student government officer or Mrs. Koppitch if you have questions.
Yesterday we added a segment to our morning announcements called “Because You Asked.” These are answers to questions you all submitted during our first days in the new building. We will answer a couple of questions each day. If you have a new question, you can turn it in to Mrs. V in the front office or email Dr. Geiger.
Because You Asked:
How long did it take to build our new building? | It took a little over a year from the groundbreaking to moving in! |
Are all the floors in the new building the same? | Not quite. The second floor has an extra learning community “wing” (the orange wing) and the third floor has an outdoor gardening space. The first floor has administrative offices and a larger commons area. Other than that, the floors are pretty similar. |
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day, Blue Wave.
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