Announcements – Thursday, September 12

September 12, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Thursday, September 12th.

Wildlife on Campus

This morning, one of our natural neighbors, a fox, ran through the cafeteria area. He was simply looking for scraps to eat. Our understanding is that someone who lives near PK has been feeding the fox family, which is a very bad practice. When wild animals depend on humans for their food, they are at a huge disadvantage.

We share this 33 acres with many members of the Animal Kingdom. And sometimes our paths cross. If you see a wild animal, such as the fox this morning, the best response is to give it its space. There is no need for hysterics. In fact that frightens the animals and might make them act in ways that they might not otherwise behave.

One way that you can help is to pick up all your trash and dispose of it properly after breakfast and lunch, especially food scraps or wrappings that have food scents on them. These items, often left behind at lunch and breakfast time, are attractive to our animal, friends, even though they are not healthy for them to eat. Please do your part to keep our campus clean and wildlife friendly. 

Jazz Band

Jazz band is canceled today!

JAM Club

Hello 8-12 graders!  Just a reminder that JAM club will hold its first meeting in Mrs. Fab’s room 210 on Friday morning from 8:15 – 9am.


The black student union will hold its first meeting tomorrow morning from 830 to 9 in the first floor Commons. We look forward to seeing you there!

ECO Club

ECO club will be meeting tomorrow morning from 8:30-9 at the big oak tree with benches. Please bring your signed permission slips. 


Come out and support our Thespians on September 17th from 4-8pm at BLAZE PIZZA as they raise money for students to attend districts and state festivals!

HoCo Nominations

Homecoming nominations are open! Please vote for your grade level by this Friday, September 13th. Ballots for the homecoming court are decided from these nominations.

If you already closed out the link to vote in canvas, you can re-access global announcements by clicking on your profile in the top left corner and scrolling down to “global announcements”

Young Investors Society

Are you interested in learning how to build wealth and make smart financial decisions? Do you want to explore the world of investing and finance with your peers? If so, consider joining the Young Investors Society today! We have our first interest meeting next Wednesday, September 18th, first floor green wing in room 132. This club is open to all high schoolers, and we encourage anyone to come no matter your knowledge on finance and investing. We can’t wait to see you there! 

High Tide

High Tide is coming up! It’s happening in the PAC and is taking place on September 26 from 6:30-8:00 PM. Tickets are only purchasable at the door for $5. Cash only! The theme is Bikers versus Surfers, so make sure to choose your side! Can’t wait to see you there PK!

Yearbook Cover Contest

Are you interested in a FREE Yearbook? Enter the cover design contest! This year’s theme for the yearbook is “In the Moment” and we are looking for cover designs that reflect that. Check out the yearbook insta for more contest information! 


Please pause for a moment of silence. 

Please stand for the Pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all.

Have a great day, Blue Wave!

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