Announcements, Thursday, 8.22.19
August 22, 2019Today is Thursday, August 22, and it is a B Day.
Successful P. K. Yonge students are Responsible, Respectful, Resilient, and Ready. Practice the 4Rs today and every day!
Reminder: The deadline to purchase a parking decal is TOMORROW
By now, you should have made after school arrangements to insure that you are off campus or with a coach or club sponsor when the campus closes at 4:00 PM. Please make sure you are where you need to be as a responsible P. K. student.
Auditions for the spring musical, Guys and Dolls, will be held next Tuesday, August 27. Pick up your audition packet from Dr. Harris in the PAC, room A-104. Sign-up Sheets for audition times are on Dr. Harris’ door.
If you need to pick up transcript request forms or community service hours forms, they are available in the front office. If you need to discuss either of these with Mrs. Flinchum, her office hours are between 2 and 4 PM.
Auditions for the fall play, GAME OF TIARAS, will be TODAY.
Scripts, audition materials, and the audition sign-up sheet are available in the Theatre room in the PAC.
There will be a brief meeting for all players interested in playing middle school basketball for the upcoming season on TODAY right after school. The meeting will last about 10 minutes and we will discuss the upcoming conditioning/skill development schedule. This meeting will take place in the Community Classroom. The meeting will start promptly at 2:15
The list of names of students who have signed up for the 1st Semester driver education course at P. K. Yonge will be posted on the cafeteria window. Please check it this week if you think that your name should be included. Students who are listed should plan on meeting in Mr. Mathien’s computer lab (Q 506) next Wednesday, August 28th from 1:50 until 2:40 pm for the orientation class. If you have any questions, or can’t be there, please see Coach Kent Johnson in the gym prior to that date. It is very important that you be there, because we have a long waiting list of students interested in taking the class.
Looking for an open and affirming space for inspiring conversation, empowerment, and dynamic engagement? Join us at Blue Wave GSA! We will hold our first meeting on Friday, in Ms. Andrews’ room (O-362) during high school lunch. All are welcome! We hope to see you there.
Students who were members of Mu Alpha Theta last year will meet this Friday in Mr. Bice’s room.
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