Announcements, Thursday
February 2, 2017Athletics
Good Luck to our Varsity Girls’ Basketball team as they take on Oak Hall, tonight at 7pm, here at home for the District Championship.
Black History Month
The Black History Month Assembly is today:
High School: 10:45am – 11:45am
Middle School: 12:30pm – 1:15pm
Elementary: 1:30pm – 2:00pm
There will be a SADD meeting today during HS lunch in Coach Hazan’s room (Z-1429). All members please attend.
Science Olympiad will be meeting tomorrow during Middle School lunch in Ms. Sheppard’s room-N-385 to prepare for our upcoming competition.
Creeks and Currents staff, be sure to read important information on the email list serve ASAP.
Come out and support the Marine Science Club at the Multi-Family garage sale this Saturday from 8-12pm.
The senior class picture and lifer picture will be Monday February 6 at 12:15, at the top field. Feb.6 will also be the absolute last day to email Mr. Holt your baby picture and complete your senior questionnaire on the yearbook webpage.
Health Smart
Today’s Health Smart Reminder: Water makes up approximately 70% of a human’s body weight. Keep yourself hydrated today!
Congratulations to
Andrew Magrill
Ryan Stewart
Olivia Foli
Payton Beback
Matthew Crews
Patryk Weller
Evan Cloutier
Morgan Mincey
For signing the PKY Health Smart 2017 pledge.
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