Announcements, Thu., 02.18.2021
February 18, 2021Good morning! Today is Thursday, February 18th
Attention Middle School Students – would you like to hang out and play some fun games this Friday from the comfort of your own home? Join PK’s National Junior Honor Society from 6:00 to 7:00 to have some fun and learn about how you can and why you should support the American Red Cross. Look in your ELA or Social Studies class announcements or email for the details. We hope to see you ‘Zoom.’
From Coach Schackow: The Girls Varsity Soccer Team won the Regional Quarterfinal game against Wolfson this past Tuesday night. The players want to thank all of the students who came out to cheer them on! Your support means so much to the team! Thank you. More info to come on the Regional Semi-final game. Stay tuned. And Go Blue Wave!
If you arrive before 8:05, do not stop by the tardy kiosk. Go straight to class. Better yet, let’s get to school on time! The doors open at 7:57AM.
Interested in having your design on a t-shirt the whole school will wear? Student government is sponsoring a design contest to come up with the artwork for this year’s PK t-shirt. Please keep your design to black and white and submit it by TOMORROW. Besides bragging rights, there will be a prize for the winner. You may email your design through canvas or email to Mrs. Koppitch. See any student government officer or Mrs. Koppitch if you have questions.
Seniors –
If you are back on campus this semester and would like to paint your parking spot, we will have a painting day on Saturday, Feb. 27th from 8:30 am – noon. You must first purchase a parking decal and pay the $10 fee to paint your spot. You can do both of those in the business office. In addition, you must submit your design to Mrs. Koppitch for approval by Wednesday, Feb. 24th. Please plan to be there as early as possible so that you can finish your painting by noon. Look in the Events module in the Senior Canvas Course for what to bring and where to submit your designs.
Seniors — Retakes for cap and gown pictures will NOT take place on campus. If you need to retake, or make up, your cap and gown pictures, please contact SWI to set up an appointment at their studios. They have appointments on Monday, March 8th. You can make an appointment on their website at
Juniors, if you have not done so already, make sure you register for the FREE SAT through PK. How? Ask your parents to look at their email for registration information that was already sent out. The deadline to finish registration is Sunday, February 21, 2021.
Today we are continuing with the segment to our morning announcements called “Because You Asked.” Today we will answer a couple more questions. If you have a new question, you can turn it in to Mrs. V in the front office or email Dr. Geiger.
Because You Asked:
What will happen to the old buildings? | The oldest buildings will be demolished and the materials recycled as much as possible. |
When are they going to break down the other buildings? | Demolition has already started and will continue through the summer. The old Community Classroom at the north end of campus is the place that demolition began during this phase. |
Please stand for the pledge: (READ THIS SLOWLY…)
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day, Blue Wave.
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