Announcements – Monday, May 20

May 20, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Monday, May 18th.

Z to A Countdown

Today the Z to A countdown continues in elementary school.  Today is E day and Monday is D Day!


The Biology and US History EOCs will be Monday, May 20th at 8:00 AM. Find your testing location by looking at the lists that are, or will be, posted today in the 1st and 3rd floor Commons area AND on the 1st and 3rd floor Green fishbowl windows. Remember, you will need to bring your CHARGED CHROMEBOOKS AND your CHROMEBOOK CHARGERS for testing on Monday.

New Club “Rising Tides”

A new club called “Rising Tides” will seek to inspire struggling 5th-8th graders by letting them hear from successful high school students who may have had difficulties before high school. There will be an interest meeting for “Rising Tides” in Ms. Weber’s room today–Monday, May 20–during lunch. We hope to see you there! 

MS Basketball Tryouts

Tryouts for the summer league middle school boys basketball team will be Thursday at 2:15 in the gym. This is for all 5th, 6th and 7th graders who would like to participate.  The tryout will last until 4:15.  

Summer Service Project

Dr. Geiger is looking for one or two students – rising 10-12th graders – who would like to help with a summer technology project.  Earn community service hours while working in the AC and preserving PK history by transferring oral histories from cassettes to digital files.  Flexible scheduling during the months of June or July.  Send Dr. Geiger a canvas message or drop a note by the office for Mrs. V. to pass along.  There may be a free lunch or two thrown in as well!  


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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