Announcements, Monday 9.30.19
September 30, 2019Today is Monday, September 30, and it is an A Day.
Attention Seniors: Please check your canvas course for senior project announcements and to make an appointment with your advisor. Remember, you have to have your advisor’s approval on your Inquiry BEFORE you submit it on October 6th.
The next senior seminar will be October 2nd at 1:45, location TBA. This is a really important one where we will work on financial aid, college admissions, resume writing, senior project help, and much more with guests from Santa Fe College and the University of Florida. If you are coming and have a resume you need to work on, please print it and bring it with you. All seniors attending should also bring a charged Chromebook.
There will be a high school National Honor Society meeting is TODAY in Dr. Harris’s room in the PAC during high school lunch. If you have any questions, please see or email Dr. Weller.
All Global Awareness members our next meeting will be Thursday, October 3rdduring lunch.
Creative photography Club will meet on Tuesday during High School Lunch in Ms. Johnson’s Art Room
National Junior Art Honors Society will meet Wednesday during middle school lunch. We will elect officers for the club!
There is a P7 Bible Club Meeting in Miss Janicke’s room, L-352, every Tuesday during High School Lunch.
Middle School National Junior Honor Society Members please meet during lunch on Wednesday with Mrs. Beckett in the cafeteria to get ready for our carnival booth.
Several seniors personalized their parking spaces on Saturday. These spaces are reserved for the owners until 8 AM; after that they are up for grabs. Please respect your classmates by not parking in their spaces before 8 AM.
Soccer conditioning for varsity boys starts tomorrow, October 1 from 2:30-4:00pm and it will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 weeks. Location: P.K. Upper Practice Fields.
Attention Juniors! There is a field trip on Wednesday (Tour UF) Turn in your permission forms to Mr. Cabrera by Tuesday, October 2. Only 80 seats! First come, first served.
The Carnival Poster Contest is back! Create the winning poster for a chance to wing Carnival tickets, kona ice, and more! Look out for the posters around the school for contest details!
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