Announcements, Monday 5/13
May 13, 2019Today is Monday, May 13th and it is a B Day.
Happy Birthday to Minerva in the cafeteria!
Dr. Breil’s Environmental Science class, Dr. Breil’s Environmental Science class will meet in Mr. Beyer’s room, that is Mr. Beyer’s room for 5th period, L-354.
Hello all secondary students, faculty and staff! Acts of Random Kindness Club is hosting a bake sale TOMORROW!! We are participating in the Great Kindness Challenge Service Project. All funds raised will be used to build a desperately needed health clinic in Liberia. Look for us between the gym and N wing from 2:15 and 3:30 on Tuesday May 14th. Bring $$$. Thanks!
Seniors, please remember to fill out a “Final” transcript request form and turn in to Mrs. Flinchum or Ms. Bryen to have your transcript sent to the College you are going to attend.
Students traveling to Costa Rica with the Rosa Rabell scholarship, please remember that you are meeting with Mrs. Santiago after school in her classroom for your practice and to review for your test from CPI. The meetings are every Tuesday and Thursday after school from 3:00-4:00.
Today is N day for the Z-A countdown; hopefully you wore a necktie, necklace, or neon colors. Tomorrow is M Day: Wear mismatched clothes or a moustache; be a mermaid.
The entire Z-A list can be found on the website under announcements.
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