Announcements, Monday 4/15
April 15, 2019Today is Monday, April 15th and it is a B Day.
Today is the VERY LAST DAY to buy Prom tickets. Tickets are $45, and students must bring a signed permission form in order to get a ticket. Please be sure to ask the business office for the correct forms for you and your guests. Prom is on Saturday, April 20 from 8 PM to 12 AM.
Anybody who is interested in getting community services hours this summer with Camp Blue Wave, please come by room R259 or the after school pick up table and get an application.
The football team will be holding tryouts for place kickers and punters, every Tuesday and Thursday in the month April. Soccer players are greatly encouraged to tryout. If you are interested, please come see Coach
McDonald or send him an email on Canvas. Kicking is a valuable skill set and a great way to be a part of the football team!
Congratulations to the Blue Wave JV and Varsity Baseball Teams or their wins over Bradford County on Friday night. Way to go, BlueWave!
Middle School Baseball Team: Your bus leaves at 2:30 today. Be changed, have your gear, and be on the bus by 2:30. Teachers, please dismiss Middle School Baseball Team Members at 2:00 PM.
All members of the Hispanic Honor Society, our next meeting will be Wednesday during lunch.
Acts of Random Kindness club members who are available to paint today, Monday, should meet Mrs. Ireland in her office immediately after school.
If you’re a current 8th grader – 11th grader who’s interested in 3-D design, engineering and robotics, please join us for a club interest meeting after school on Thursday, April 18th. The meeting will last until approximately 3:30 p.m. in Room M-344.
Celebrate the achievements of our PK students during an important time in their life by purchasing this year’s yearbook. Copies are limited, please purchase one before we a sold out! Yearbooks are $80 and available for purchase on the SWI website or by clicking the link below. Anticipated delivery date will be May 14.
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