Announcements, Monday 3/18
March 18, 2019Today is Monday, March 18th and it is an A Day.
Middle School National Honor Society members – look in your Canvas Inbox for the survey from Mrs. Beckett. Please complete this survey by Friday, March 22. It’s only two questions, but your responses are incredibly important to our work. Thank you.
This past Saturday, the track team competed at the Bob Hayes Track Meet in Jacksonville. Congratulations to the following athletes who achieved personal bests: Riley Blackwelder, Laci Herron, Jayvian Greene, and the boys 4x400m relay of Jayvian Greene, Jaren Hamilton, Bryce Jefferson, and Del Ducharme. Good luck Tuesday at the Alachua County Championships at Santa Fe.
All members of Global Awareness Club, we will meet on March 29. We will be meeting to discuss the Global Scholar program and to start planning our Global Celebration Day. Attendance to this meeting is mandatory.
Congratulations to the Roaring Riptide on their Awards at the Orlando Regional Competition this past weekend. The first award received was the Pit Safety Award. This award is nominated by members from other teams and is earned based on the total vote from nominations. Additionally, the high school robotics team earned the Judges’ Award for Assistive Technology award. During the course of the competition, the judging panel encounters teams whose unique efforts, performance, or dynamics merit recognition. Roaring Riptide team members have been making a splash in Assistive Technology on a local, state, and international level. As a pioneer for Assistive Technology among FIRST teams. Congratulations to team 4118, Roaring Riptide, for their awards!
Attention BSU seniors – if you want a BSU club cord to wear at graduation, you need to bring $11 to the business office by TOMORROW.
Attention Students: Registration for Summer School Driver Education is now open. Applications are available in the front office or can be downloaded from the School Board of Alachua County website. Contact Scott Pritchett at 955-6959 for further questions.
Attention High School students, the 10th grade class will be hosting a Men’s Volleyball Tournament fundraiser on Friday, March 29th during 6th period. There will be four teams, one from each grade 9 through 12. Beginning Monday, March 18th through Friday, March 22nd, you can sign up to represent your grade outside of the cafeteria for $8 per person. Each team can have 10 players maximum. For more information talk to the 10th grade student government representatives.
Attention JV Baseball Players: The bus will load behind the gym and depart at 2:30 today. Be changed, have your gear, and be ready to roll at 2:30. Teachers, please dismiss JV Baseball Team Members at 2:00 PM today. A list of Team Members was emailed to you.
Varsity and JV Football Cheer tryouts will be on Monday, March 25th and Tuesday, March 26th from 3 – 6 PM in the gym. Please pick up a tryout packet from the front office of online from the cheer website
Seniors! There are new additions to the Spring scholarship newsletter. Please check it out on the School Counseling Twitter or the School Counseling portion of the website.
Seniors! The College information and Readiness Club is bringing U-day to PK. On May 1st, the senior class is invited to celebrate their college commitments by wearing any shirt from the school they’ve chosen to attend. On the same day, seniors are also invited to sign their name on the College Board in the cafeteria at lunch. Show your post-secondary school spirit, Blue Wave. You’ve earned it!
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