Announcements, Monday, 1/7
January 7, 2019Today is Monday, January 7th and it is an A Day. We will have a regular A-B schedule this week, with the exception of Friday, which will be a 1-6 day since it is the last day of the first semester.
The food truck will be here today!
SBAC night school driver education classes begin Thursday, 1/24/19 at the Traffic Safety Center. Please call Scott Pritchett at 352-955-6959 to register. All pertinent information can be found on the SBAC website.
The College Information and Readiness Club is asking that all our SENIORS, who have college acceptances letters, to fill out the survey, which has been sent through your Remind/SMS from Mr Lightbourne.
Any middle or high school students interested in participating on the Varsity Tennis team this season should refer to the Boys or Girls Tennis website for more information. Practice will begin in late January. For more information, contact Coach Van Boven.
Seventh and Eighth Grade National Junior Honor Society Members please come to Mrs. Beckett’s room this Thursday during lunch to plan our next service project. Please bring your lunch and come as soon as you can.
The middle school Science Olympiad team will meet for the next two weeks every day during lunch and after school in Dr. Cordero’s room. All members please plan to attend as we will be preparing for our competition on January 19th.
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