Announcements – Mon., Oct. 10
October 10, 2022Good morning! Today is Monday, October 10th. Led by sugar planter Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, the Cuban Revolution began in 1868. Cespedes proclaimed independence and formed the Republic of Cuba on October 10, 1868. By 1869, Cespedes had written a constitution that abolished slavery and annexed the country to the United States.
Congrats Robotics Teams
Congratulations to the high school robotics team, Roaring Riptide! They competed in the Roboticon off season competition this weekend and received the Gracious Professionalism award. Gracious professionalism focuses on respecting each other, valuing each other’s contributions, and giving back to help produce the highest quality work. The idea is that fierce competition and mutual gain among participants are not exclusive.
Congratulations Riptide! Splish, Splish
PSAT Wednesday
10th and 11th grade students, you will be taking the PSAT this Wednesday, October 12th. All 10th and 11th grade students need to report to school by 7:30 AM on Wednesday morning and check in with your designated teacher. To find out which teacher you check in with and whether you are checking in at the student parking lot, the main office, or the Spanish classrooms, find your name on the lists that are posted on the 1st and 3rd floor fishbowl windows and on the windows in the 1st floor commons area. Students who do not arrive by 7:30 AM on Wednesday may miss the opportunity to take the school day PSAT.
Students who are assigned testing on the University of Florida campus will be walking to the testing location. Students are not allowed to be dropped off at the testing site. Students are not allowed to park on the University of Florida campus.
10th and 11th grade students should bring a calculator, a water bottle, and a snack for the PSAT on Wednesday. No snacks will be provided. Students do not need to bring their Chromebooks to school on Wednesday.
A final reminder that 10th and 11th grade students need to report to school by 7:30 AM on Wednesday morning and check in with your designated teacher.
Girls Tennis Interest Meeting
Interested in girls’ tennis for the spring 2023 season? All current and prospective students in grades 6-12 interested in playing should attend the interest meeting on Tuesday, Oct.11th. The meeting will be held in Mrs. Franklin’s classroom room 336, 3rd floor, green from 2:45pm-3:15pm.
Fall Play: Ax of Murder
Come see the fall play AX OF MURDER playing October 12-15th in the PKY Performing Arts Center. Tickets are only $8 and you can buy them on the school website or the Hometown Ticketing app. This fast-paced mystery will keep you guessing until the last minute!Come see this awesome play and support the students involved, and guess who-done-it in AX OF MURDER!
Homecoming Court
Attention high schoolers – homecoming is almost here and it’s time to nominate your homecoming court. Check Canvas for the nomination form for your grade. Nominations close on Friday.
Need Volunteers for Homecoming
Need more community service hours? We need volunteers for several events for homecoming. Check Canvas for a volunteer sign up form today!
Dual Enrollment
Are you interested in dual enrolling at Santa Fe or UF next year? Dual enrollment interest agreements are avalible for rising juniors and seniors on our school website and in the main office. The Interest agreement should be read, completed, and turned in by October 14, 2022.
Parking Passes
Students, you are required to have a current PK parking pass in order to park on campus. If you do not, you will be charged a $5 parking Ticket. Remember, unpaid school fees can result in loss of extracurricular activity participation and other penalties.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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