Announcements – Mon., Aug. 28
August 28, 2023Today is Monday, 8/28
Congrats Football!
Congratulations to Coach Jackson and the Blue Wave Football Team who dominated Father Lopez on Friday night with a 46 to 12 win! Way to go, Blue Wave!
MS Black and Brown Student Union
The middle school club, Black and Brown Student Union will meet Monday afternoons from 2:40-3:10 outside of Orange 255.
Black Student Union (BSU) high school students: The first meeting of the year is this Thursday during lunch in Room 130, First Floor Green. Come pop in, Hope to see you there.
Are you an out of the box thinker? There will be an Odyssey of the Mind interest meeting on Monday 8/27 after school in Mr. Poole’s room, located in the Orange Wing of the second floor. Room 253, (the open space). All Middle and High school students interested in what this competition club is all about please attend and come see what amazing creative things our club creates.
Health Science Club
Please join us this afternoon from 2:40 to 3:15 pm in Dr. Cordero’s room, third floor blue wing for the first meeting of the Health Science Club. I look forward to meeting all those interested.
Student Drivers
Student Drivers – make sure you have a parking pass and it is displayed. Tickets for vehicles without parking pass will start on Wednesday, August 30.
Math Help
Dr. Allison is here M-Th after school in the Blue Wing in room 113 near after school area for MATH HELP. All areas.
Math help takes place from after school dismissal till 4 pm.
Be there or B2!
HS Art Club/National Art Honor Society
High school art club will meet every Tuesday after school in Mr. Moody’s room. Come enjoy some art making fun with your friends! Also, National Art Honor Society will meet every Friday during lunch in Mr. Moody’s room. We have a lot of projects already lined up, so stop in and let’s get started!
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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