Announcements, Mon., 05.03.2021

May 3, 2021

Good morning! Today is Monday, May 3rd and it is S day.  I hope you wore dressed like a storybook character or a superhero, or wore stripes or silly socks! Tomorrow is R day — Wear red or rainbow colors! The entire Z-A Countdown can be found on the website under the Announcements tab.

Today is also the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week. Let your teachers know how much you appreciate all they do for you!

From Mrs. Koppitch: Seniors – You have lots of very important things to turn in by THURSDAY.  Please look at your Canvas Announcements section for the links to these items. For those of you that get it all done before May 6th, you will be able to take part in two very fun things. One of them is something that EVERY graduating class has asked to do, and the answer has always been NO.  See Mrs. Koppitch for more information or questions.

Prom tickets are only $20, and will only be available until next TOMORROW.  You MUST have a completed Prom Contract signed by you and your Parent/Guardian to turn in at the time you purchase a ticket from the Business office. No contract, no ticket, so pick one up from the Front Office today and get a head Start! You also need to have cleared any outstanding debts before you are able to purchase tickets. Prom will take place on Saturday, May 8th from 8 PM to midnight.

Seniors Apply now for the $1500 Randy Norris Scholarship!

For the 2021 graduating class, three $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to those students in good standing, accepted to a college or university, and declaring a major in law enforcement or education. Applications are due to Ms. Theiss or Mr. Chambliss by TODAY at 3:00 p.m. The application can be turned in both personally or electronically.  Applications are available on the High School Counseling Canvas page Announcements.  Contact Mr. Chambliss or Mrs. Theiss for more information.

If you ordered the new P.K. Yonge shirt, they are here!  Please come pick yours up from the front office.

Because you asked:

What was Mr. Lincoln wearing on Friday and why was he wearing it? I saw him during the fire drill and I was surprised to see his outfit. Mr. Lincoln was wearing a special outfit to celebrate “T day.” The white piece is called a Thobe and the scarf is called a ghitra. This is the traditional dress for Arabic males, mostly worn in Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, and Jordan.

Please stand for the pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Have a great day, Blue Wave!


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