Announcements, Mon., 01.25.2021

January 25, 2021

Good morning! Today is Monday, January 25th

By popular demand, the bells will sound different today in the new building!

For tech help, the first step is completing a HELP ticket through Canvas.  You will be directed where and when to go for assistance.

ECO will be meeting today at 12:35 (high school lunch for those on campus) in Ms. Andrews’ Zoom room.  All members, please plan to attend so that we can plan upcoming projects!

Current 10th and 11th grade students and their families are invited to attend Santa Fe College’s dual enrollment information night via zoom either Tuesday January 26th  at 7pm  or Thursday January 28th at 7pm.  The presentation will be the same both nights.  Zoom link will be posted on the high school counseling Canvas page and under the announcements on the P.K. website.

Attention seniors – With only have 11 applicants at this time, Santa Fe wants high school seniors to complete the application by the priority date of February 15th. Santa Fe has over $1.8 million to give away to deserving eligible students. Please see the link for the application in the announcements section of the Senior canvas course, or in the senior newsletter on the PK website.

Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Have a great day, Blue Wave.

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