Announcements, Friday, 8.23.19
August 23, 2019Today is Friday, August 23, and it is an A Day.
Successful P. K. Yonge students are Responsible, Respectful, Resilient, and Ready. Practice the 4Rs today and every day!
Reminder: The deadline to purchase a parking decal is TODAY.
Congratulations to the golf team who shot an even par 140 at the UF golf course to defeat St.Joseph Academy. Jake Davis shot 3 under par to lead the team.
The Food Truck will be here Monday, but will be parked in a different location. To access the Food Truck, go to the gate on the west side of cafeteria, near the loading dock. The food truck will be parked right outside the gate.
By now, you should have made after school arrangements to insure that you are off campus or with a coach or club sponsor when the campus closes at 4:00 PM. Beginning next week, you could receive a referral for not being where you need to be. Please make sure you are where you need to be as a responsible P. K. student.
Auditions for the spring musical, Guys and Dolls, will be held on Tuesday, August 27. Pick up your audition packet from Dr. Harris in the PAC, room A-104. Sign-up Sheets for audition times are on Dr. Harris’ door.
If you need to pick up transcript request forms or community service hours forms, they are available in the front office. If you need to discuss either of these with Mrs. Flinchum, her office hours are between 2 and 4 PM.
The list of names of students who have signed up for the 1st Semester driver education course at P. K. Yonge will be posted on the cafeteria window. Please check it this week if you think that your name should be included. Students who are listed should plan on meeting in Mr. Mathien’s computer lab (Q 506) next Wednesday, August 28th from 1:50 until 2:40 pm for the orientation class. If you have any questions, or can’t be there, please see Coach Kent Johnson in the gym prior to that date. It is very important that you be there, because we have a long waiting list of students interested in taking the class.
Looking for an open and affirming space for inspiring conversation, empowerment, and dynamic engagement? Join us at Blue Wave GSA! We will hold our first meeting today, in Ms. Andrews’ room (O-362) during high school lunch. All are welcome! We hope to see you there.
Students who were members of Mu Alpha Theta last year will meet TODAY in Mr. Bice’s room.
Students Traveling to China This November:
There is a meeting for travelers and families on Tuesday, August 27 at 6pm, in I-104. (The very first classroom on I-Wing at the top of the Front Circle.) Please make every effort to attend. We will be reviewing airline ticket payment and visa application information. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Henderson in the Front Office, Dr. Cordero, or Mr. Kovach.
Hello all middle school students!
Welcome back to school. The Middle School Acts of Random Kindness Club will have its first official meeting of the year on Friday August 30th during lunch. We will meet outside the cafeteria under the awning. Our tables will be covered by blue tablecloths. Join us! We perform random kind acts and have fun! See Mrs. Ireland if you have questions.
Students interested in learning about the Global Awareness Club and current members please come to our meeting this Friday during lunch at Mrs. Santiago’s classroom. Z-1427.
Attention seniors – this year is full of lots of important dates. We’ve worked out a way to help you keep track of it all. From the PK website, you can go to the Senior Corner page (under class pages) and join the Remind class for text reminders. Also on the website is a link to a constantly updating newsletter with important information. You may also add the Google calendar from the website to your own calendar. This calendar has been compiled by all the senior teachers and includes all the important dates. Don’t miss out!
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