Announcements, Tuesday

January 24, 2017


The January Scholarship letter is now available! Look for it in a few places: the school website, on Student Government Twitter, and on School Counseling Twitter. If you have any questions about the scholarships or other opportunities listed, come see Ms. Bryen.


Congratulations to both the JV and Varsity girls’ basketball teams for their victories over the Eastside Rams last night!

Softball tryouts will be tomorrow at 3:00.  All girls trying out must have updated physicals and consents to Coach Clifford before they can try out.


There will be a very important meeting of the Marine Science Club today in Ms. Andrews’ room, O-362, during high school lunch.  We will be planning the yard sale and other events.  All members are required to attend. Please be on time!

The National Junior Honor Society will meet today for the annual yearbook picture.  We will meet during lunch by the anchor in the front circle.  Please come promptly to make sure each member is in the photo.

Science Olympiad will be meeting on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s during Middle School lunch in Ms. Sheppard’s room-N-385 until February 3rd to prepare for our upcoming competition.

All members of the Thespian Club:
Please meet in Ms. Snyder’s Room (J 309) at the beginning of lunch tomorrow.

The new semester of coding club will begin on Thursday January 26 in Mr. Holt’s room Q-506 from 3 to 3:45.  New and old members are welcomed regardless of experience.  We will meet every other Thursday until May.

Come and join the Hispanic Honor Society this Friday after school for TEC Day (Tacos, Empanadas and Croquetas).  Please come and see us by the gym and art building area.  All proceeds will go towards up coming competitions.

Teachers and students:  Don’t be left out. Tuesday, Jan 31, is the final day for submitting work for the 10th anniversary issue of Creeks and Currents lit mag.  See or email Mrs. Harrell J-311 if you need further information.  The magazine will go on sale in May.

Driver’s Education

Anyone who would like to sign up for driver education should see Coach Johnson to get on the list.

International Activities

China Travel Scholarship awardees
•    Shea Ashley
•    Kacie Bailey
•    Liam Bobbitt
•    Abigail Freidin
•    Gabriella Leiva
•    Darielis Merced-Calderon
•    Jahnice Nixon
A reminder to join Dr. Hayes. Dr. Atria, Mr. Magura, and Ms. Henderson for a meeting today at the beginning of high school lunch in Mr. Magura’s room K-330. If you are unable to attend, please contact Dr. Atria.





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