Announcements, Friday 5/3
May 3, 2019Today is Friday, May 3rd and it is a B Day.
Did you know that the performing arts department is offering a strings class next year? Any student in 6-12th grade may enroll in the class for the 2019-2020 school year. This is a class that is scheduled during the school day, NOT an afterschool club. You do NOT need to have any experience to join our class. The strings class will have a place for beginners, young musicians, and experienced string players. See Mrs. Burg is you have any questions.
Auditions for next year’s high school vocal performing arts classes will be held TODAY immediately after school. There is a sign-up sheet posted on Dr. Harris’ door in the PAC. If you have any questions or conflicts, please see Dr. Harris in room A-104.
Seniors, please remember to fill out a “Final” transcript request form and turn in to Mrs. Flinchum or Ms. Bryen to have your transcript sent to the College you are going to attend.
Today is T day for the Z-A countdown; hopefully you dressed up like a twin, a trip, wore tan, turquoise, or a tutu. Monday is S Day: Story Book Character Dress Up Or wear stripes or silly socks
The entire Z-A list can be found on the website under announcements.
The Alachua County summer driver education program is still enrolling students for their summer driving classes. If you are interested you can contact Scott Pritchett at 352-955-6959, pick up a form in the front office, or go to the Alachua County Schools website to sign up on line. For further information see Coach Johnson.
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