Announcements, Friday
April 20, 2018
Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Friday, April 20th and it is an A Day!
AP exam registration and preparation concludes today. All students in the 10th grade who are in AP classes must come today to room M-344 to register for their AP exams. All Sophomores must register at a certain time depending on their last name. Sophomores whose last name starts with A through L must go to room M-344 at 11:50am to register for their AP exam. All Sophomores whose last name starts with M through Z must report to room M-344 at 12:20pm to register for their AP exams. If you have any questions or need to schedule a different time you must email Mr. Lightbourne today.
This message is for all students that registered to play at the Men’s Volleyball Game and did not get their shirts: See Mrs. Rodriguez at the portable Z-1428 sometime this morning.
Attention Faculty, Staff, and Students – There will be NO Chromebook support today in Q501. Teachers – Please do not send students to Q501 for Chromebook support today. Support WILL resume on Monday, April 23rd at 8:15 a.m.
Attention students who use the library as an after school study space…
– Each morning when we arrive at the library the teachers, staff, and other volunteers come in to help set-up and prepare rooms for testing and use for the school day. When we arrive, we find gum stuck in the seats of chairs, armrests torn off of chairs, cables unplugged from computers, keys broken off of keyboards, and equipment missing. This takes twice as much time to fix for everyone who is trying to help. The equipment in our library will be needed long after our library building is torn down for the construction of our new school building. Please be responsible…Do not destroy school property, take cables and equipment out of computers, or remove items from our equipment. We need to take care of our school and all of the equipment within it so that we can all benefit from its use. Thank you!
School Counseling:
On April 26th at 6:00 PM Santa Fe College will hold the 2nd annual Black Male Enrichment Conference. The event is open to 7-11 grade black male students and their guardians and will provide access to important information about admissions, financial aid, scholarships, Santa Fe programs, mentorship opportunities, and the other services that My Brothers Keeper offers. My Brothers Keeper is a program designed to increase the retention and success of black males both academically and socially at Santa Fe College. The event will be held in the Santa Fe Andrews Center at the Starke Campus.
Performing Arts:
The Spring Chorus Concert will be held on Thursday, April 26th at 7pm. Admission is free. Hope to see you there!
Any athlete or student in any sport (including football) who are using the football lockers must have them cleaned out by this afternoon. Any items found after that time will be disposed of. Football equipment and locker assignments will be issued today. Players participating in spring football are to report to the locker room today by 3:15pm.
The National Junior Honor Society will be collecting toiletries items for Gainesville residents in need of support. You may bring samples of toothpaste, soap, shampoo, mouthwash, deodorant, toothbrushes, new socks, small hand towels, wipes, hand sanitizer among others. There are boxes to collect the donations in the front office, library and Dr. Cordero’s I-110 room. Donations will be collected until April 30th. Thanks for your generosity!
Seniors, please remember to fill out a “Final” transcript request form and turn in to Mrs. Flinchum or Ms. Bryen to have your transcript sent to the College you are going to attend
It’s time to nominate a special classmate to be Master of Ceremonies at Graduation. Think about the qualities that would make someone a perfect MC, and then submit your nomination in writing to Dr. Geiger by Friday, April 27th. Voting will take place in early May, and the selectee will be announced at the Senior Awards Ceremony on May 14th.
Tickets for the 2018 Prom, Midsummer Night’s Dream, will be on sale in the Business Office until Wednesday, April 25th. Tickets are $45.00, and all juniors, seniors, and guests must complete dance forms before purchasing tickets. Guest students from other schools need to have the Dean of their school sign the form. Guests must come with the attendee to turn in all forms together. Forms are available from Mr. Lemstrom and Mr. Beyer. Hope to see you there!
Want to participate in the March for Our Lives Movement? Stop by the table outside of the lunchroom today at Power Hour to write a postcard to your representatives about your views on gun safety in schools and to get information on registering to vote.
Power Hour:
The food truck will be back at PKY on April 24th, don’t miss out!
Come to the gym during Power Hour on Thursday, April 16th to experience ALERT, simulators that mimic what it is like ot be driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. This is a great opportunity before Prom to be reminded of the importance of safe driving. You will have the opportunity to take field sobriety tests while wearing “drunk” goggles. All are welcomed to attend and students who attend and participate will have the opportunity to enter a raffle to win some prizes.
HS Offerings:
- Acts of Random Kindness
- Gay/Straight Alliance
- Global Awareness Club
- Literary Arts Magazine
- Science and Society
HS Office Hours:
- Andrews
- Fabulich
- McCrea
- Perez
MS Offerings:
- Acts of Random Kindness
- Architecture Club
- Gay/Straight Alliance
- Global Awareness Club
- MS Reading and Writing Club
MS Office Hours:
- Breil
- Harding
- Sheppard
- Whitley
Today the library is reserved for 6th and 9th graders during Power Hour.
Have a wonderful day!
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