Announcements, Friday
March 10, 2017Academics
Today is Senior Project Presentation Day!! Good Luck Seniors!
Good Luck to the students competing in Conferencia in Orlando this weekend.
The March Scholarship Letter is now available! You can find it on: the high school counseling page of the school website, the Student Government Twitter, or the School Counseling Twitter.
If you are interested in taking the ASVAB, it will be offered at P.K. Yonge on March 29th at 2:45 PM in the Community Classroom. Please let Ms. Bryen know if you plan on attending.
Good Luck to our Lacrosse Team vs. GHS tonight at 7pm. PK students get in for free.
Good Luck to our MS Track Team at the Bolles Invitational in Jacksonville at 2:30 pm.
Good Luck to our Varsity Baseball Team vs. SFHS at 4:00 pm.
Cheerleaders will be selling $1.00 sno-cones on Tuesdays and Thursday’s right after school at the cafeteria all spring. Please come out and support the cheerleading program!
Good Luck to our Robotics Team in Orlando!
Today is the last day to register for the Men’s Volleyball Game. Habitat for Humanity Club members will be registering people during high school lunch in front of the cafeteria. The cost is $5.00 and all players will receive a T-shirt.
The Peace Week “Wall Breaking” ceremony is today and we will tear down the wall of war and leave up the wall of peace.
Middle School
Attention all 6-8 graders: If you are interested in making a movie from the book, Tampa Boy, please come to auditions on Tuesday, March 14th in Mr. Cunningham’s room I-109. You will have the opportunity to be an extra, a set designer, or a director. For more information please see Mr. Cunningham, Miles Cooper or Shelby Cooper.
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