Announcements, Friday 01.10.2020
January 10, 2020Today is Friday, January 10 and it is 1-6 Day.
Congratulations to the Boys Soccer team for their decisive 8-1 victory last night! The team currently has their best record in 8 years, with 10 wins, 4 ties, and only two losses. Way to go, Blue Wave!
Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Let Officer Savona know how much you appreciate all he does to keep us and our campus safe.
Ever thought of playing softball?
Next Wednesday, there will be an open-interest softball event on the softball field from 2-4 PM. There will be food, music, fun activities, and a chance to find out more about whether softball is the team sport for you. All Middle and High School girls are welcome. See Coach Ryan Stewart or Dr. Geiger for more information. Hope to see you there!
For those folks who have recently started driving, you must have a parking decal to park on the PKY campus. Please purchase your decal in the business office by next Thursday, January 16th.
For those students parking in the south lot, please only park in designated parking spaces. Senior painted spaces are up for grabs after 8:00 AM. If all the spaces are taken, you must park in the gravel lot near the business office. PLEASE do NOT park along the fence lines, as this blocks access to the exit at dismissal and causes gridlock. Please do not park on curbs or the grass.
Global Awareness and UNICEF our yearbook picture is TODAY during lunch. Please be on time.
If you are interested in returning to play or joining the PK Varsity Boys or Girls tennis team this year, there will be a short information meeting for ALL players TODAY at 2:30pm. The meeting will be upstairs in the Elementary School building. The meeting should last about 20 minutes.
The driver education class at P.K. is full for the 2nd semester.
Interested students can notify Coach Kent Johnson to have their name added to the waiting list.
Registration for the 2nd semester night school driver education classes offered by the Alachua County schools is now open. Please call Scott Pritchett at 352-955-6959 to sign up. Classes begin Thursday, January 23 . All pertinent information can be found on the school board website
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