Announcements – Fri., Oct 28
October 28, 2022Good morning! Today is Friday, October 28th.
Powderpuff Tickets
Do you want to watch the Powderpuff flag football game on Friday during 4th period? Tickets are $3 and can be bought from Coach Barrett at lunch.
Attendance at this event is a privilege; Coach Barrett has a list of students who are ineligible to purchase tickets.
Boys Basketball Try-Outs
Interested in playing boys jv or varsity basketball. Try-outs will be Monday, October 31st at 5pm in the gymnasium. Please have an up to date FHSAA physical and parent consent form turned in to Coach Barrett before try-outs.
Seniors Cap & Gown Form
Seniors – Please fill out the form in the Senior Canvas Course Announcements section. This form needs to be completed by all seniors to receive their cap and gowns and ensure the correct spelling is on their diploma for graduation. If you do not fill out this form, you will not walk. You will need to sign in through your P.K. account in order to access the form. Due Friday, Oct. 28th.
Boys Soccer Volunteers
Boys soccer program is looking for volunteers to take pictures and videos during home and away games, and assisting the social media manager. Volunteers will get community service hours. Please communicate to Coach De Leon at or reach out to the team on social media.
Next meeting for Tri-M will be on Nov. 8th in Mrs. Hemmerich’s room during HS lunch. Students please bring your instruments to record for a service project.
Meal Trash
Student, if you continue to leave your breakfast and lunch trash on the ground, the area where you are allowed to eat will become restricted to an actual table in the cafeteria area. You have done a good job so far this year, don’t stop now. Keep your school clean.
No Masks on Monday for Halloween
Halloween is Monday and we can’t wait to see your costumes but we want to see your smiling face even more. Please remember that masks are not allowed on our campus unless it’s a protective medical mask.
Spring Musical Auditions
High School! Auditions for the spring musical, GODSPELL, will be TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1st in the Performing Arts Center.
Audition sign-up sheet and audition materials are on the Spring Musical page on the school website, as well as class Canvas pages. This AWESOME show is famous for international song hits with a pop rock feel, and an ensemble cast. Come audition for GODSPELL on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1st!
Book Club
Book Club members, please check your email and vote on the book you’d like to read. We will meet Monday, October 31, during lunch in room 333 and talk more about books!
Welcome to the Blue Wave Homecoming week for 2022. Many events and activities have been scheduled for your engagement and participation.
First, the spirit dress days. Consider dressing up this week according to each day’s themes.
The parade will take place today at 9 AM. Parade participants, please remember we should not endanger the safety of any students. Please refrain from throwing candy or objects from vehicles or as you march.
If that is not enough the football game and dance will take place on Friday evening. Tickets for the dance are on sale in the business office. Please join us for any or all of the activities and Go BLUEWAVE!!
Parade Participants
Even though parade participants have been sent to All PK via email, students are still required to check in with their 1st period teacher before being released to the parade. Teachers, it is highly important that you take attendance before the parade, thank you.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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