Announcements, Fri. 9-17-2011
September 17, 2021Good morning! Today is Friday, September 17th
Our first social event of the year will be attending the show, MURDER FOR TWO at the Hippodrome Theatre in Gainesville on September 23rd. Make sure you have your ticket money to Ms. Snyder no later than September 17th!
“Seniors and Juniors! Trying to figure out how to even start with the college search, application process, and funding it? Attend this FREE web event on September 20 – 23, 2021, 6:00 – 7:30 PM Eastern Standard time to speak with Florida Experts about the process. You can find the flyer and application for the event on the high school counseling canvas shell announcements.”
All new and current members of the Global Awareness club please remember to attend our meeting this Friday during lunch at L-356. We need help with your representation for the homecoming parade and Global Cultural day.
Students who will be taking the FSA ELA Writing and Reading Retake exam will be testing over 3 separate days: Thursday, September 16; Tuesday, September 21; and Thursday, September 23. Students are to report to 1st Floor Blue at 8:00 am for testing. Testing should end for most students by 10:00 am with extended time running until 11:30 am. Students are to bring their Chromebook and charger for testing. Chromebooks should be fully charged.
Those of you who are campaigning for various elections, please do not tape anything to the walls or other painted surfaces. Items can be taped to glass windows. Thank you for helping us keep our campus beautiful
Senior Picture Day is on Monday, September 27th and underclass pictures are Tuesday September 28th Everybody needs to take a picture (without mask) on picture day to receive a school id. Pictures do not need to be purchased.
Please take note that the bridge across the creek closest to the main building is now open. The bridge at the back of the cafe is now closed.
Please pause for a moment of silence: Hang up and start again for the pledge
Before the pledge, we have a special announcement from AP Mac on devious licks
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day, Blue Wave!
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