Announcements, Fri., 10.30.2020
October 30, 2020Good morning! Today is Friday, October 30th.
The Junior Student Government officers have set up a fundraiser for student government at the NW 13th Street Chipotle on Wednesday, November 4th from 5pm-9pm. Please see the Student Government Chipotle Fundraiser Flyer under announcements on the school website.
Attention high school students interested in attending Florida State University. We will be hosting a virtual information session with our FSU rep TODAY at 1:30pm in zoom. Please check the high school counseling Canvas page announcements for the zoom link. Session is open to all interested high school students and we especially encourage 11th and 12th grade students to attend. Reach out to Mrs. Theiss or Mr. Chambliss if you have questions or for more information. See you there!
Stop by the Harn Museum of Art and celebrate the work of Middle School Visual Art Students and High School Creative Photography! Two amazing digital shows are open through the Month of November.
Attention members of the National Honor Society: We have a meeting in Ms. Roach’s Zoom room TODAY at 12:15. If you are running for office, be sure to have a two-minute speech ready.
Tryouts for the Middle School Boys Basketball Team will be this Saturday in the gym from 9:30-12. All FHSAA paperwork must be turned in before being allowed to participate in the tryout for this year’s team. Please remember to bring your own water and wear a mask into the gym.
Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day and Happy Halloween, Blue Wave!
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