Announcements, Fri. 04-29-2022
April 29, 2022Good morning! Today is Friday, April 29th. T day – Hope you are dressed like a Twin or triplet today! Monday is S Day- Dress like a Story Book Character, Superhero or wear stripes or silly socks
“Prom 2022 is upon us! Prom is Saturday, May 21st from 7-11 pm at the Rion Ballroom at the Reitz Union. Tickets are $40, and will be on sale in the business office from Monday, May 9th – Thursday, May 19th. You MUST have a student form filled out and signed to present to the business office at the time of the ticket purchase. Guest forms and PK Student forms are available from Mrs. V in the main office beginning Monday, May 2nd to give time to get them completed before tickets are purchased. Tickets will NOT be sold to any student without the properly filled out and signed forms. Seniors, be on the lookout for the nomination form for Prom King and Queen, which will come to you through Canvas. Juniors, you will receive your nomination form through your Skyward email. Nominations are open from Monday, May 2nd-Friday May 6th.”
Congratulations to the varsity softball team for their doubleheader win over St. Francis, 9 to 5 the first game, and 16 to 5 the second game. Way to go blue wave softball!
“Students, want free food and learn about Historically Black Colleges? Do Not Miss this Opportunity! Register NOW! This is an opportunity to discover how your college bound can get assistance to apply to college by using a Common Black College Application. Go to the counseling canvas page announcements for updates.”
Please go to the bake sale sponsor by UNICEF this Thursday and Friday
All UNICEF members please attend the meeting this Friday.
“Hello and Greetings to all Elementary Chorus Alumni! Mr. R is hosting a special event this coming Thursday, May 5th and he needs your help.
Please come to the first elementary music concert in almost 3 years and sing with us! After being gone for 3 years, the elementary chorus spring show will be this Thursday, May 6th at 6:00. I would like you to come and sing “Memories” and “Peace Round” as we continue the 22 year traditions. All grades of Elementary chorus members are welcome and encouraged to attend and sing. If you are a 6th or 7th graders and you missed your Rose Ceremony, you are welcome to come and have your ROSE ceremony this year, just bring yourself and a parent. There is one short rehearsal on Thursday right after school with a performance at 6:00 p.m. I hope as many of you as possible come sing with us on May 5th. Write Mr. R if you have questions.”
Please pause for a moment of silence: Hang up and start again for the pledge
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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