Announcements, Fri. 03-18-2022
March 18, 2022Good morning! Today is Friday, March 18th.
“Seniors! You might be eligible for Bright Futures. Go to the high school counseling canvas page announcements and look at the Bright Futures update to see eligibility requirements and how to apply.”
“Students, please stop by the tables in front of the cafeteria today and Friday to look through the Lost and Found items. You may have accidentally left an item in a classroom or on campus. Please take a look. And take any items that belong to you. Today and tomorrow. In front of the cafeteria. Everything will be donated to charity over spring break, so get your things today and tomorrow! Thanks!”
Do you want to be a member of the National Honor Society? 10th and 11th graders who meet certain GPA requirements are eligible to apply. Please check your Canvas Inbox for an invitation to apply for the NHS from Mr. Chambliss. Applications are due on Friday, April 15th. See Ms. Roach with questions.
The PK Yonge boys and girls tennis teams lost close matches vs buchholz high school last night. Shout out to Adriana Sanchez and Emi Arnold for a great doubles match, and to Teodoro Marson, Kendrick Esguerra, Brandon Jeong, and Owen Van Boven for strong wins in doubles last night!
Your PK Yonge tennis teams are #1 and #2 in their districts with 2 matches left in the regular season! Go Blue Wave tennis!
High fives to the Softball Team for their HUGE 29-15 win over Hawthorne last night. Way to go, Blue Wave!
Congratulations to Blue Wave Varsity Baseball for their 3-0 win over Chiefland last night! Way to take us into Spring Break with a DUB!
Please pause for a moment of silence: Hang up and start again for the pledge
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day and a fantastic Spring Break, Blue Wave!
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