Announcements, Wednesday 10.16.2019
October 16, 2019Today is Wednesday, October 16th, and it is a B Day.
All students traveling to China will meet TOMORROW during lunch in Mr.Kovach’s room. Please make every effort to attend! We hope to see everyone! There will also be a meeting for families at 6pm on Thursday in I-104.
Science Olympiad will meet TOMORROW, Thursday, October 17.
All students are invited to hear the University of Florida discuss their admissions process at 2:30 PM on THURSDAY in Mr. Cabrera’s room.
From Coach Brunson: Some of you had questions about why the ban on Rap Battles. Does PK Administration have something against rap music or rapping? Actually, no! In fact, it’s one of our favorite genres! Recent Rap Battles have included several components that are not allowed on our campus, however, including:
- The use of profanity — Remember, we are a K-12 school. We use school-appropriate language here.
- Derogatory language and comments directed at others — We are a school that believes in showing kindness — lifting each other up, not putting each other down.
- Standing on tables and other furnishings — First, this is unsafe. Second, who wants to eat at a table where someone’s dirty shoes have been?
- “Betting” on performers — Any type of gambling is not allowed by UF so it’s not okay at PK either.
These things are not allowed on our campus or at school-sponsored activities. So, it’s not really about rap. It’s about following school rules. If you come up with an idea of how to do a Rap Battle that stays within school guidelines, Coach Brunson would be open to hearing your proposal.
Attention seniors: The next senior seminar is TODAY after school in Mr. Cabrera’s room – the 11th grade English room on L wing. Bring your charged chromebooks, resumes, college essays, and any questions you have about college applications and senior projects.
The High School Creative Photography Club will meet TODAY during lunch in Ms. Johnson’s room to plan our Costume Photo Shoot during Spirit Week! See you there!
Do you need volunteer hours? The City of Gainesville needs volunteers for multiple events this year, including the Downtown Festival and Art Show and Hoggetown Medieval Fair. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Velez at
All members of Global Awareness Club our meeting is TOMORROW during lunch.
Come see the fall play, GAME OF TIARAS, Thursday the 24th through Saturday the 26th! Go Thespians!
All UNICEF members please return your trick or treat boxes to Mrs. Santiago or Cierra Boutin this week.
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