Announcement – Tuesday, August 27

August 27, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Tuesday, August 27th. 

Congrats Football

Congrats to the Blue Wave Football Team for their win over Santa Fe High School last Friday! 

6th Grade Lunch

Attention 6th grade: When it is time to enter the building after lunch, you will line up single file and enter one at a time. We will have no more pushing, shoving, squealing, and disturbing the classes that are in session during that time. Please exercise maturity.  Thank you!

Home Football Game Friday Night

ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Our Blue Wave football team has their first HOME game this Friday August 30th at 7:00 vs. Crescent City. The student section theme is NEON NIGHT! PKY Student Government will be hosting their first wave rally for this game from 6:00pm to kickoff near the top field. There will be face paint, body paint, body glitter, glow sticks and student section sign making! The first 15 students to the wave rally will get a concession voucher. Students PLEASE show up in neon attire to our first wave rally and football game to support our team!! 

Club Showcase

Hey PK! Club Showcase this year is going to take place on September 5 from 8:15 to 9:00 AM. Come out and see what clubs we have to offer. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to buy some delicious baked goods while you’re there! We look forward to seeing you there!

Best Buddies

For current members and interested students in grades 10 through 12, Best Buddies will have an interest meeting today in room 333 during 10-12 lunch in room 333 to kick off the new school year, go over membership, and application process. We hope to see you soon.  


Tri-M is the national music honor society.  Any high school student enrolled in a music class with a 3.0 or better GPA is invited to join our leadership and music service organization.  Our firstTri-M meeting will be Friday morning at 8:15 in the Band room.  We will also meet next Friday if you have a conflict this Friday.  Hope to see you there.

Softball Fall Ball 

Softball Fall Ball will start Monday September 16th. Conditioning and Training will be Monday-Thursday 4:30-6pm. It will last from September through October. All students wanted to participate MUST have an updated physical form and signed parent/player consent forms (documents can be downloaded from the P.K. Yonge website). For more details please contact Softball Head Coach Daryl Mosley

Test Prep

Test Prep for the ACT/SAT will begin on Thursday, August 29th, and Friday, August 30th. Report to 1st floor Blue Wing.  Join us to learn strategies for success—Bright Futures awaits! 

Global Awareness Club

Global Awareness Club meeting will be next week on Thursday, August 29. All meetings are in the morning from 8:20 to 8:50 in Mrs. Santiago’s classroom L-356 

ECO Club

ECO club will meet Friday, August 30 from 8:30-9:00 in the commons for elections and club showcase planning. 

eLearning Day Reminders

Attention 8th-12th grade students:

Tomorrow is our first E-Learning Day of the school year for 8th – 12th grade students. You will not report to campus on this day.  You will be completing your school work from home. 

To help prepare for asynchronous learning at home, please keep the following in mind: 

  1. Your teachers will assign work for you to complete in your courses on Canvas.  
  2. You will have assignments in both A and B day classes. 
  3. Your teachers will be holding you accountable for task completion.  
  4. Work will be due at 11:59 PM on the E-Learning Day, and grades will be assigned for tasks.
  5. You will need your school-issued Chromebook on E-Learning Days. 
  6. You should establish a quiet work space to engage in your school tasks.  
  7. Plan to work on each of your courses for approximately one hour. You will have a full day of learning tasks to complete. 
  8. If you have questions, use Canvas to communicate with your teacher. 

We are excited to provide this innovative opportunity for increased ownership of your learning


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Have a great day Blue Wave! 

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