Exploration of Engineering Technology | Middle School
Middle school is a time of exploration, a time when students are figuring out what they’re passionate about today and how that relates to who they’ll become tomorrow.
During this transitional time, PLTW Gateway’s curriculum units empower students to lead their own discovery. The hands-on program boosts classroom engagement and excitement, drives collaboration, and inspires “aha! moments” and deep comprehension. And as students engage in PLTW’s activities in computer science, robotics, & engineering, and they see a range of paths and possibilities they can look forward to in high school and beyond.
Source Credit: Project Lead the Way Gateway | PLTW
Course Resources
Students go to CANVAS to access class resources and curriculum.
Chromebook Problems?
If a student has issues with their Chromebook, they can fill out a Help Ticket request. The technology department will contact them during school hours to resolve the issue.
Campus Health – COVID-19
For information regarding P.K. Yonge’s COVID-19 Campus response and links to updates, visit Campus Health – COVID-19.
Supporting Students Learning from Home
For suggestions for families as they work with students spending extended periods off campus, visit Supporting Students Learning from Home. Families can also create a Canvas family account to help support student learning. Families use this Canvas link to find Canvas | Creating Family Accounts – Instructions and a link to log in.