Secondary Student Returns: Chromebooks, Books, Uniforms, Instruments
May 23, 2018It’s the time of year when we collect all school items and we need your help! This email will be LONG, but we hope it’s comprehensive and helps clarify the returns process for the end of the year.
Included Below
Chromebooks | Textbooks | Library Books | Uniforms | Instruments | Payment Information
For 6th – 11th grade students, Chromebooks will be collected
Thursday, May 31, in Q501
Friday, June 1, 8:00am-3:30pm in the LIBRARY.
For Seniors | Details
Prior to check-in, please have the following items ready for inspection
- Original School-Issued Chromebook – MUST BE CLEANED & HAVE NO STICKERS on the device, other than the original rectangular barcode sticker
- Original Chromebook Case
- Original Chromebook Charger – THE CHARGER MUST HAVE THE WHITE BARCODE STICKER with YOUR NAME VISIBLE on the sticker. We will NOT accept store bought chargers or other after-market chargers as a replacement
**Please do not return your items prior to completing final computer-based exams. **
Lost or damaged items? Contact to make payment arrangements.
Specific questions about Chromebook returns? Contact,
Library Books
All Library books must be returned before the last day of school, Friday, June 1. If you have been notified that you have a library book that has not been returned and you are able to locate the book, please return it to Ms. Koppitch in the Library before the last day of school and no library fine will be incurred.
Lost or damaged Library book? Contact for payment arrangements.
Specific questions about Library book returns? Contact
Please return all textbooks to teachers of the related courses on the day of your final exam. If you forget to bring the book on exam day, please be sure to return all textbooks by Friday, June 1.
Lost or damaged textbook? Contact for payment arrangements.
Specific questions about textbook returns? Contact your teacher | Teacher Contact Information
Please return all uniforms to your coach, director, or teacher before the last day of school.
Lost or damaged uniform? Contact for payment arrangements.
Specific questions about uniform returns? Contact for athletics,, for band, or your specific teacher directly | Teacher Contact Information .
Middle school, please return all instruments to Ms. Burg by Tuesday, May 29. High School, please return all instruments (and uniforms) to Mr. Perez on Friday, 1st after graduation.
Lost or damaged instrument? Contact for payment arrangements.
Specific questions about instruments? Contact,
Payments can be made by cash, check (made out to the University of Florida) or by credit card by faxing or mailing in a Credit Card Authorization form. The cashier’s office is open 7:30am – 3:30pm Monday – Friday | Details
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