Announcements, Tuesday

April 11, 2017


The 2017 April Scholarship Letter is now available on the school website and the School Counseling Twitter! It will be on the Student Government Twitter as well.


Cheerleaders will be selling $1.00 snow-cones on Tuesdays and Thursday’s right after school at the cafeteria all spring. Please come out and support the cheerleading program!

Good Luck to our Varsity Baseball Team vs. Middleburg today at 4:30 pm.
Good Luck to our Softball team at Bell today at 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm – doubleheader.


The National Junior Honor Society will meet today during lunch in Dr. Cordero’s room.  Please remember to bring the donations for the Giving bags.  Hope to see all members then!

This month, Key Club, in collaboration with UF’s Hispanic Latino Affairs, is hosting a shoe and sock drive for migrant farm workers in honor of the Cesar Chavez Memorial Day of Service. We are collecting new socks and new or gently used shoes. There will be a donation box in Mrs. Andrews’ room and in front of the cafeteria every day during high school lunch. If you have any questions please see Raul Ortiz.

Health Smart Campaign

Your body needs more water when you are in hot climates, more physically active, running a fever, or having stomach problems.  Keep yourself hydrated.

Performing Arts

Congratulations to our Middle School Vocal Performing Arts 7th and 8th graders for a wonderful performance at the Music Performance Assessment in Jacksonville this weekend. Both groups did wonderfully and received superiors in sight reading with 8th grade receiving superior with distinction. Go blue wave!



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