Announcements – Friday, September 20

September 20, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Friday, September 20th.

Football Tonight! 

PK STUDENTS! Today, our Blue Wave football team plays Hollis Christian at home at 7:00pm. The student section theme is RED, WHITE, & BLUE. Come out and support our football team!!

Congrats Golf

Congratulations to the golf team who defeated St.John Lutheran yesterday at Candler Hills golf course. Medalist of the match was Rohan Paranjpe who shot a 3 over par 39.

Powderpuff Tickets

Ticket sales for the Powderpuff football game will go on sale starting Monday during lunch. Tickets will cost $3 and the game will be held at 3:15 on Thursday afternoon.

Peer Tutors 

Attention all high school Peer Tutors: We will have our monthly meeting during lunch on Monday, September 23rd in Ms. Roach’s room, Blue 312. Pease speak with Ms. Roach if you are unable to attend.

FluMist Clinic 

FluMist Clinic is today! Teachers have been sent names of students to be released and a schedule. The clinic will be in the westside of the cafeteria. 

HoCo Dress Up Days 

STUDENTS! Listen up for this year’s homecoming dress up days starting next week. 

  • Monday, September 23nd, midnight monday. Wear your favorite pajamas! 
  • Tuesday, September 23rd, coquette vs. camo. Dress up either coquette or camo! 
  • Wednesday, September 25th, Adam Sandler day! Dress up as Adam Sandler in your comfy clothes! 
  • Thursday, September 26th, Surfers vs. Bikers. Dress up as either a surfer or biker. 
  • Friday, September 27th, Spirit day! Dress up in your best blue wave spirit

Please pause for a moment of silence. 

Please stand for the Pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all.

Have a great day, Blue Wave!

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