Announcements – Thursday, September 5

September 5, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Thursday, September 5th. 


HOSA, the Health Occupations Students of America Club, has their first meeting tomorrow after school at 3:45 in Green 330. 

Pre-Collegiate Club 

If you did not have a chance to sign up for the pre-collegiate club, this is a club for college-focused students in 11th and 12th grade. we visit colleges and universities and support one another an hour quest for college and university admissions. Look for the membership QR code on bulletin boards throughout the secondary building or speak to one of our officers: Ayrin King, Marina Freeman, or Ginai Slater.

Do you want to be a member of the Black Student Union? Applications are available in the front office or you can speak with one of our officers: Julian Gilbert, Jay Morant, Sanaya Long, Ayrin King to be or Ginai Slater.  The Black student Union is focused on celebrating black culture and educating others. All high school students welcome!

Congrats Coach J

Congratulations to Girls Basketball Coach J for being selected as AAU Coach of the Year for Dynasty Hoops Tournament. 

Girls Basketball 

Girls basketball will be starting workouts Saturday 9/7/24 from 10am-12pm. Please bring water/Gatorade.

Justice and Autism in Motion Club 

Attention 8 – 12th graders!  Are you looking for a club where you can earn volunteer hours and get to partner with UF professionals on projects or presentations?

PKY’s Justice and Autism in Motion (JAM) Club is a partnership between PK Yonge students and UF’s Center for Autism Related Disorders.  This club allows students the opportunity to learn about neurodiversity and justice. 

This club is open to all 7th-12th graders; see Mrs. Fab in room 210 for more information!

Hispanic Month Celebration

All high school students participating in the Hispanic Month Celebration show please see Mrs. Santiago on Friday, September 6 during lunch. L-356. 

MS Basketball 

Attention all Boy’s Middle School Potential Basketball Players 

Please come by the table in front of the Cafeteria during lunch on Friday to pick up information for preseason conditioning.  There will also be information about tryouts and the upcoming season for anyone who is interested.  

Let’s get ready for a great basketball season.  Go Blue Wave

Gaming Club 

Gaming Club starts THIS WEEK!

Gaming Club is a club for people who enjoy playing board games or other tabletop games. Both Middle School and high school students are welcome to join.

We will meet Thursdays after school in Mr. Lincoln’s room (Blue 316). Come and join the fun!


Are you a 9-12 grade girl who wants to play in the Powderpuff flag football game during homecoming week? Signup with Coach Barrett during lunch in front of the cafeteria today.

Softball Fall Ball 

Softball Fall Ball will start Monday September 16th. Conditioning and Training will be Monday-Thursday 4:30-6pm. It will last from September through October. All students wanted to participate MUST have an updated physical form and signed parent/player consent forms (documents can be downloaded from the P.K. Yonge website). For more details please contact Softball Head Coach Daryl Mosley

Traffic Reminders 

Please remember the changes to our traffic procedures,  The south gate near the gym opens at 7:30 instead of 8:30; please encourage your driver to use the south gate for a quicker and less congested drop off experience. 

FINALLY, no one will be allowed to exit the 6th Street gate on foot.  If you plan to walk off campus at the end of the day, you must use the gate by the guard house or the exit near the gym. 

Thanks for your cooperation.  We are trying to keep you safe.


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Have a great day Blue Wave! 

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