Announcements – Thursday, August 22

August 22, 2024

Good morning, Blue Wave. Today is Thursday, August 22nd. 

Lunch Trash

Students, the amount of trash and litter during lunch is already too high. If this continues, there will be no walking around or movement during lunch.

FAST Testing

Students in grades 6-10 will be taking FAST PM1 ELA Reading on Today and students in grades 6-8 will also be taking FAST PM1 Math tomorrow. Students are expected to bring their Chromebooks and their chargers for testing. Remember to charge your Chromebook the night before testing and to bring both your Chromebook and your Chromebook charger on testing days.

Test Prep

Test Prep for the ACT/SAT will begin on Thursday, August 29th, and Friday, August 30th. Join us to learn strategies for success—Bright Futures awaits!

Health Science Club

The Health Science Club will have an interest meeting next Monday during lunch in Dr. Cordero’s room (third floor blue wing).  All 9-12 grade students interested in health sciences are invited to attend.  We’ll cover what the club has to offer, including human body anatomy review, guest speakers, suturing practice, dissections, and more. We also want to hear what you’re hoping to get out of the club so we can tailor it to your interests.  Hope to see you then!


The first meeting for NHS will be Friday Aug 23 at lunch. This is for all current 11th and 12th grade members.  If you have any questions please see Dr. Bolejack.

HS Debate Team

PKY is offering a high school Debate Team this year.  If you are interested in learning more about this team, please come to a short informational meeting on Thursday during 9th grade lunch or 10th-12th grade lunch in the first floor commons, or see Mrs. Walker.

Softball Fall Ball

Softball Fall Ball – Conditioning and Training will start September 16th, Monday-Thursday 4:30-6:00pm at the softball fields. 

Global Awareness Club

Global Awareness Club meeting will be next week on Thursday, August 29. All meetings are in the morning from 8:20 to 8:50 in Mrs. Santiago’s classroom L-356

Blue Wave Football

ATTENTION STUDENTS! Our Blue Wave football team has their first game this Friday August 23rd at 7:00 pm AWAY at Santa Fe high school. Please go out and cheer on our team!

Student Section Themes

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL AND MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS! The student sections themes for all home football games have been posted. For more information please follow student government and pky athletics on instagram @bluewavestudentgov and @pkyatheltics. The themes will also be printed and posted on the bulletin boards by the end of this week. 

Girls Basketball

There will be a girls basketball interest meeting for players and parents this Friday at 4 pm in the cafeteria.  

Cheer Tryouts

Middle and high school cheerleading tryouts will be Thursday, August 29. The sign up deadline is August 25. See Coach Justin for more information. 

Senior Parking

Seniors, Wednesday 8/28 is your final opportunity to paint a senior parking space. You must email your design to Dr. Geiger by Monday for pre-approval and then pay the regular parking fee plus the additional $25 to reserve your space. Payments can be made in the business office. Parking space painting will be happening between 10 AM and noon.

eLearning Day

Attention 8th-12th grade students:

Wednesday, 8/28 is our first E-Learning Day of the school year for 8th – 12th grade students. You will not report to campus on this day.  You will be completing your school work from home. 

To help prepare for asynchronous learning at home, please keep the following in mind: 

  1. Your teachers will assign work for you to complete in your courses on Canvas.  
  2. You will have assignments in both A and B day classes. 
  3. Your teachers will be holding you accountable for task completion.  
  4. Work will be due at 11:59 PM on the E-Learning Day, and grades will be assigned for tasks.
  5. You will need your school-issued Chromebook on E-Learning Days. 
  6. You should establish a quiet work space to engage in your school tasks.  
  7. Plan to work on each of your courses for approximately one hour. You will have a full day of learning tasks to complete. 
  8. If you have questions, use Canvas to communicate with your teacher. 

We are excited to provide this innovative opportunity for increased ownership of your learning


Please pause for a moment of silence: 

Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Have a great day Blue Wave! 

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