Announcements – Thursday, December 14
December 14, 2023Today is Thursday, December 14
Congrats Da’Mar Wims
Congratulations to Da’Mar Wims for being selected as TV20’s Scholar Athlete of the Week!
Holiday CountDown
Happy Holidays! Show off your holiday spirit by participating in Student Government’s Holiday CountDown! Today’s theme is Lumberjack day dress up in a flannel and jeans and tomorrow’s is Reindeer vs. Elves.
Student-Faculty Basketball Game
The student-faculty basketball game is today at 1:35. Tickets are $3 or 3 cans and are still available at lunch today. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door! Last chance—get your ticket today!
Congrats Esther Molina Cruz and Maria Gerber
The Hispanic Honor Society wants to congratulate Esther Molina Cruz and Maria Gerber for being accepted to present at the 24th SAGA Colloquium of Literature, Linguistics and Hispanic Culture in the month of February. Congratulations.
Donation Drive
HEY PK! Student Government and NHS is partnering with Gainesville Empowerment Zone to donate clothes, books, and toys to children in need for the holidays. If you’d like to donate any items, please see Mrs. Koppitch or a member of Student Government for information. We need all items by Friday, December 15th.
Elementary Chorus Alumni
Hello to all my elementary chorus alumnus now in middle and high school. This is Mr. Roberts writing to you. This Thursday on Dec 14th is my last concert at PK and I would like to celebrate 20 years of elementary chorus here at PK Yonge. If you have the time I would like to invite you to please come and sing Peace Round with me at 6:00 Thursday evening in the PAC. I’ve watched so many of you achieve so much these past years and I am so very proud of all of you. Please come Thursday evening at 6:00 and celebrate with me. Thank you, Mr. R
Chris Morris Arts Endowment Summer Experience Scholarship
We are excited to announce the Chris Morris Arts Endowment Summer Experience Scholarship! The purpose of the Summer Experience Scholarship is to assist an interested rising junior or senior to attend a summer art institute, camp, or class. PK is offering up to $1500 for a student to participate in a summer program. If you are a 10th or 11th grader currently enrolled in band, performing arts, or fine arts classes, your teacher has information about this opportunity. Otherwise, you can see Dr. Geiger for more information about the application. All portions of the application, including a note of support from your parent and two teacher/mentor recommendations are due no later than January 30th. The scholarship information can be found under the News section of the Website
New Percussion Group
Want to be a part of a new drum group here at PK? There will be an interest meeting for a new Percussion group on Monday at 3 pm in the band room. This is open to all 8th through 12th grade students. You do NOT have to have experience with the marching band to attend. All musicians and budding musicians are invited. See Dr. Burg or Mr. Marski if you have questions.
Deck the Halls
It’s time for Deck the Halls decorations and winter dress up days –
Dress up Days:
- Thursday 12/14 – Lumberjack
- Friday 12/15 – Reindeer vs Elves
- Monday 12/18 – Grinch day
- Tuesday 12/19 – Color Wars (12th and 8th – red, 11th and 7th – green, 10th and 6th – blue, 9th – white)
- Wednesday 12/20 – PJs
Deck the Halls – You can start decorating your grade level’s hallway this week. May the best grade level win!
Photo Contest
Yearbook is hosting a Holiday Spirit Week photo contest! Send in your photos with your best outfits each day to or DM them to @pky.yonge Instagram. You can send them in yourself, have a parent or friend send them, or ask a teacher to take a picture of you and send it. Make sure to include your name and grade. An elementary, middle school, and high school winner will receive a holiday prize pack from Yearbook.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!
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