Announcements – Mon., Jan. 30
January 30, 2023Good morning! Today is Monday, January 30th
Senior Cap & Gown Pictures
Seniors, your cap and gown pictures will be taken on Monday January 30 in the first floor blue open space. Caps and gowns will be provided. Seniors with last names beginning A-L will be photographed between 8 and 10. Seniors with last names beginning M-Z will be photographed between 10 and 12. Teachers of seniors, thank you for your patience with this interruption.
Grad Bash Money
Seniors – Due to a new Universal Studios policy, there has been a change in the due date for Grad Bash money. You may start purchasing tickets on Friday, January 27th. All sales are due by Tuesday, February 14th. This is a few weeks earlier than originally planned, so please make sure you don’t miss out! Permission slips and forms are available in the front office. You must turn these signed forms in to the business office when you buy your tickets. You can pay by check or credit card. The business office is open for ticket sales M-F 7:30-8, 12:30-1, and 2:30-3. Please do not ask to leave class to buy your tickets. For any questions, see the senior canvas course, or check with Mrs. Koppitch.
Feminist Club Donations for St. Francis House
Feminist Club is collecting period products for donation to St. Francis House. Please drop off period products in the box near the front office. Drive closes Friday, February 3. Thank you for your generosity!
Thespians- please report to Mrs. Hemmerich’s room during High School lunch on Tuesday, January 31st for a quick yearbook picture.
College & Career Fair Field Trip
Field trip opportunity for 9th-11th grade students. College & Career Fair on Thursday, February 9th. If interested in attending, please pick up a permission slip from the front office. If you have any questions, please see your school counselor.
Come see Godspell! Prepare ye for the timeless tale of friendship, loyalty and love constructed as a group of parables based on the Gospel of Matthew and filled with favorite songs such as “Day by Day” and “We Beseech Thee” this a joyous celebration of friendship, love and devotion to high ideals. GODSPELL is a show for everyone. The show runs from Wednesday, February 15th -Saturday, February 18th. All at 7pm
Tickets are on sale in the homestead app. Look for posters around campus with a QR code to purchase.
Seniors – Volunteer Hours
Seniors – Remember, 75 community service hours are a requirement to graduate from P. K. Yonge. Several of you still have not met this requirement. You have until April 3rd. Some of you may have the hours, but just haven’t turned them in yet. You also need them to participate in any end of year events including Grad Bash, Prom, and Senior Week.
You can find a list of community service opportunities and the form in the senior canvas course. You may also pick the form up in the front office. Completed forms should be returned to the front office.
If you have any further questions, or need to know your current recorded hours, please see Mrs. Koppitch, or Mrs. McElroy.
Elementary Spanish Club
The Elementary Spanish Club “Amigos del espanol” Yearbook Picture is scheduled for today at 2:50 PM by the Gym stairs.
K/1 Coffee on Fridays
Reminder for all middle and high school students that the K/1 coffee company will be selling hot coffee, cold brew, and hot chocolate for $5.00 by the student parking lot. Cash only. Every Friday.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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