Announcements – Thurs., Jan. 26
January 26, 2023Good morning! Today is Friday, January 27th
Senior Cap & Gown Pictures
Seniors, your cap and gown pictures will be taken on Monday January 30 in the first floor blue open space. Caps and gowns will be provided. Seniors with last names beginning A-L will be photographed between 8 and 10. Seniors with last names beginning M-Z will be photographed between 10 and 12. Teachers of seniors, thank you for your patience with this interruption.
Seniors Grad Bash Money
Seniors – Due to a new Universal Studios policy, there has been a change in the due date for Grad Bash money. You may start purchasing tickets on Friday, January 27th. All sales are due by Tuesday, February 14th. This is a few weeks earlier than originally planned, so please make sure you don’t miss out! Permission slips and forms are available in the front office. You must turn these signed forms in to the business office when you buy your tickets. You can pay by check or credit card. The business office is open for ticket sales M-F 7:30-8, 12:30-1, and 2:30-3. Please do not ask to leave class to buy your tickets. For any questions, see the senior canvas course, or check with Mrs. Koppitch.
Feminist Club
Feminist Club is collecting period products for donation to St. Francis House. Please drop off period products in the box near the front office. Drive closes Friday, February 3. Thank you for your generosity!
College & Career Fair Field Trip
Field trip opportunity for 9th-11th grade students. College & Career Fair on Thursday, February 9th. If interested in attending, please pick up a permission slip from the front office. If you have any questions, please see your school counselor.
Yearbook Siblings/Family Members
Middle school and high school students, we are going to have a yearbook page about families here at PK – siblings and family members who work here. If you qualify and would like to be included, please respond to the survey posted on your canvas page questions by February 3.
The Black Student Union will take its annual club picture for the yearbook on Monday, January 30th, during High School lunch on the gym steps. All members are asked to where denim & black, and be there no later than 12:40pm.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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