Announcements – Thurs., Sept. 8

September 8, 2022

Good morning! Today is Thursday, September 8th 

Science Olympiad

Attention students in grades 9-12. If you are interested in joining the PK Science Olympiad Team, there will be an informational meeting on September 8th, directly after school in Third floor Green, room 330. This meeting is for current members and anyone who wishes to join.

Senior Yearbook

Want to see yourself in your senior yearbook? Here’s your last chance if we currently don’t have your senior portrait on file.

You can book a session at the SWI studios by going to, or you can have your picture taken at P.K. on September 26th. If you would like to buy your photos at either location, you must purchase them before at  If you just want your photo in the yearbook, but not to purchase, there is no fee.

Call SWI for more information at 1-800-226-0453

Yearbook Google Survey

Speaking of the yearbook. Your 2022-2023 yearbook staff is hard at work and would like you to respond to a Google Survey posted in your Canvas Announcements on the homepage today.  Please answer when it is convenient to you….during your lunch or after school….if you would like to be included in the pages we are working on. Please respond by Wednesday, September 14, to be included. 

High School Art Club

High school art club begins this week! Please sign up on the club page if you’re interested, and meet with us Tuesdays after school until 3:30 in Mr. Moody’s art room.

National Art Honor Society

National Art Honor Society has begun as well! We meet in Mr. Moody’s room Thursdays during lunch.

National Honor Society

Attention all National Honor Society members. Our next meeting is Friday, September 9th during lunch in the back half of the cafeteria.

Environmental Conservation Organization

The Environmental Conservation Organization will meet today during high school lunch at the benches around the big oak tree. We will nominate officers and discuss upcoming activities.  All are welcome!


Please pause for a moment of silence: 


Please stand for the pledge: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 


Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!

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