Mon. 08-11-2022

August 15, 2022

Good morning! Today is Monday, August 15th.

Attention student drivers. To park on the school campus, you must purchase a PK parking decal from the business office. Warning tickets will be issued beginning this week. And remember, all painted parking spots are property of the seniors who painted them. Parking in those spaces will not be allowed by anyone other than those students

 Science Olympiad registration for 9-12 students is open.  Please pick up the registration forms from Mr. Nadar beginning today

Do you like acting or technical theater? Do you want to meet a great group of high schoolers?  Are you interested in Thespian Club?  Come to the PKY Thespian Club interest meeting, Thursday August 18 at lunch in the Theater room!

Speaking of theater! Our High School fall play this year is AX OF MURDER.  Auditions are August 23rd in the PAC.  Script, audition materials, and audition sign up, are on Canvas and on the school website Thespian page.

Please pause for a moment of silence: Hang up and start again for the pledge

Please stand for the pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Have a wonderful day Blue Wave!

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